At the pound of Chastel-Nouvels (Lozère), we still can’t believe it. A dog, which was stolen from his master in 2012, while he was pruning his vines near Mont Ventoux, in the Vaucluse, was found a few days ago, says France Bleu Gard Lozère. Ten years after. It is the doggie’s identification chip that has enabled the kennel to find the trace of its owners in one click.
“It’s a crazy story, confides to the station Hélène Martinazzo-Bruel, the director of the pound. The Saint-Chély police call me and tell me they have a stray dog. She then contacts the masters, who can’t believe it. “The lady said to me, ‘Are you kidding?’ she continues. She said to me, “Wait, I’m going to sit down because I’m going to feel unwell.” The emotion was more than strong. Immediately after finding his master, the dog, a Czech bearded man, stuck to his leg and didn’t want to let go.
The owner of the doggie, now 12 years old, is still in shock. “I was in all my states, she tells France Bleu Gard Lozère. I no longer knew where I was (…) He was not mistreated, that’s what makes us happy too. On the other hand, what this brave dog did with his life for ten years is a mystery.