Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeDogsJustice for dogs seized from this factory farm in the Nordics

Justice for dogs seized from this factory farm in the Nordics

It undoubtedly is the biggest animal cruelty case in recent years.

For more than ten years, numerous reports and complaints have been filed against a dog breeder in the Nordics, covering 6 locations.

Despite the indignation of visitors and some staff, all complaints will be closed without further action. We had to wait until 2022 for Arielle, a whistleblower, to investigate and collect more testimonies that will finally bear fruit.

In March 2023, the gendarmes travel to the scene of the horror. Where they expected to find just under a hundred puppies, there will be 400 dogs to be rescuedin other words, far too much for the places’ reception capacity and the few staff on site.

Between these, many will be euthanized on the spottoo weak to be transported.

The details of the living conditions of these dogs are terrifying.

Water and food are lacking to that extent. Most dogs, cadaverous, are left for deadsometimes dying for several days inexcruciating suffering.

In some videos taken by Arielle, we can’t even tell if certain puppies, completely lethargic, are still alive.

In addition, inevitably lack of careeven primarily.

Here again the details are terrifying.

One of the employees confided this during his hearing with the gendarmesa young German Shepherd was so thin that her bones could be seen through her bedsoresfrom which pus flowed.

It is never cleaned there, leaving the boxes and common areas in a state of disrepair. regrettable.

Many puppies die almost immediately after birth, suffocated between the bodies of their mothers, exhausted by the rates of reproduction imposed on them, and the floors, soiled by dirt and excrement.

The deaths continue at industrial rates and with the greatest indifference.

From time to time, the staff collects the corpses of puppies, which they rush to bury in one wildernessnear the farm, or stored in the family refrigerator breeding in the meantime.

Unfortunately, even adoptees are not spared.

Most of them die shortly after adoption, due to incurable diseases contracted during their stay on one of its sites.

Today, their judgment is fast approaching.

This Wednesday 10 Julywill the 3 breeders and 3 vets involved in this case be held accountable for the 44 offenses they are charged with.

By signing this signature, you ask :

  • Exemplary justice,
  • A sanction commensurate with the atrocities committed,
  • That real measures are put in place so that animals are no longer subject to such disgrace.



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