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Reporting. In Lyon’s 5th arrondissement, voters are ready to block the road to the left

Our Lady of Fourvière @Hugo LAUBEPIN

Our Lady of Fourvière @Hugo LAUBEPIN

The 1st constituency of Rhône, acquired by the left in the European elections, could remain in the hands of Macronism, driven by a rejection of La France insoumise.

Under a blazing sun this Wednesday morning, a couple of Lyonnais strolls between the small stalls of the Marché des Anges in the 5th arrondissement. The day after a sad game for the French team at the EC, the sun finally comes out and brings back the smiles. “Shall we talk politics? Honestly, I can’t take it anymore, I don’t follow the landscape much, it wears me down“, begins Christophe, resident of Saint-Just.

Also read: Legislative: Candidates, questions… Everything you need to know about Rhône’s 1st constituency

“I believe that LFI scares people, even for certain left-wing voters

The renaissance candidate, Valérie Hayer, came here first in the elections to the European Parliament. If the left-wing lists reached only about 38% in the 5th, far from the 50% obtained in other districts, the dynamics are favorable for them on the scale of the 1st constituency of the Rhône, which includes the 5th arrondissement but also the 9th , 8 ., 7. and 2. The left-wing lists could still be threatened by the fact that a barrier of right-wing voters arose.

Already in 2022, the outgoing deputy of the presidential majority, Thomas Rudigoz, won against the LFI candidate in the second round, by a short head, and with the blessing of right and right-wing voters, who passed from about 30% in the first round, more than 50% in other. He should again be able to count on this transfer of votes during early voting. According to an Odoxa barometer published on Tuesday, June 25, 47% of voters say they are ready to block the left-wing union. Only 41% want to block RN.

Also read: Legislative: in Tassin, it is “taboo” for the RN to vote for right-wing voters

47% of voters are ready to block the new People’s Front

With the momentum I hope the left will win. She is best able to fight the far right if she comes to power. We can’t stand any more macronism, we have to breathe. But I think LFI scares, even for certain left-wing voters who could choose the stability of Thomas Rudigoz“, continues Christophe, who will vote New People’s Front. In the elections to the European Parliament and at constituency level, it is the LFI list that came first ahead of the PS list carried by Raphaël Glucksmann, thanks in particular to good results in the 7th and 8th districts .

Also read: Map. Legislative elections in Rhône: the candidates in your constituency

This strategy should allow candidate Anais Belouassa-Cherifi to take the lead at the end of the first round. But winning in the second may prove complicated, as the LFI and the shadow of its leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon seem to arouse rejection, sometimes fueled by fantasies. “Why did you field an LFI candidate that people don’t know in our constituency? This is the best way to mobilize against the left in the second round“, analyzes Hélène, who assures that she has “friends on the left who will not vote LFI“.

I say it, we have no danger from the extreme right here. I will without hesitation vote for the majority member against LFI in the second round. We need calm people who try to come together“, tance Arnaud. And added: “I don’t want to do it for Macron, but to try to have some measure and pragmatism in the assembly.“With graying hair, Jacques has not cut in order against Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party.”I feel let down by PS. I voted for Glucksmann in the European Parliament elections, but I cannot vote for LFI. I find them as populist as the RN, minus the racism. To me, their program is unrealistic“.

Also read: Legislative: Candidates, questions… Everything you need to know about the 8th Rhône constituency



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