This is a consequence of the Buitoni affair. The French shun all pizzas whether fresh or frozen! The French have decided to ignore these pizzas, which they had loved until then! France was indeed the second most consumer country in the world, with more than 800 million pizzas consumed, just behind the United States but far ahead of Italy.
To buy one in a hypermarket, you will have to pay between 2 and 3 euros on average. On the other hand, tasted in a fashionable Italian restaurant, prices can soar, up to 30 euros. The average price of a Queen pizza, the favorite of the French with the Margherita, is 10.44 euros. Between them, they represent half of the pizzas eaten in France, i.e. more than 400 million.
51% of pizzas are consumed in Italian restaurants and pizzerias, 24% through the mass distribution sector, 15% in collective catering and 10% through trucks or deliveries.
But the Buitoni case changed everything.
The turnover generated by the sales of frozen pizzas in supermarkets collapsed by 34.2% between March 14 and June 19 compared to the previous yearaccording to data sent by Nielsen to our colleagues at BFM Business.
Sales of fresh pizzas, of which no batch had yet been contaminated, also suffered, with a drop of 9.4% during this same period.. They were on the rise at the start of the year.