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Rouen Cathedral fire, unemployment insurance, Olympic tickets… The news from Thursday 11 July – Liberation

Libération’s editorial team summarizes the most important news of the day on 11 July.

Every evening the editorial office is off Libé selects today’s news that should not be missed in France and the rest of the world.

The spire of Rouen Cathedral on fire

It is impossible not to think of Notre-Dame de Paris. In the blue sky of Rouen, in Seine-Maritime, a large plume of black smoke was visible on Thursday 11 July. A fire broke out on the spire of the city’s cathedral, currently under construction and protected by large white tarpaulins. By noon it might have been “mastered” of the firefighters sent to the scene had to be reported “extinct” shortly after. No one was injured and the building was scheduled to reopen Friday.

The government wants to extend the current social security fund rules until the end of September

It was the only realistic option: politically impossible to put the reform on the table again, materially impossible to ask the social partners for a new agreement within the set time. The current rules for compensation from the unemployment fund should be extended until 30 September, according to a draft decree from the government of Gabriel Attal sent to the social partners on Wednesday 10 July in the evening. The provisions of the previous decree will cease to be in force on 31 July.

Labor legislation in the grape harvest is becoming more flexible

And on the seventh day they continued to harvest the grapes. A new decree relaxes the rules for observing the weekly rest day for workers in the agricultural sector. The text considers “harvesting done manually” as “work the performance of which cannot be postponed”opens up the possibility of “suspension of weekly rest” for workers within the limit of“no more than once in a 30-day period”. Last year, at least four seasonal workers died during burning harvests.

The Olympic Games in Paris, gold medal in ticket sales

What if the Games were a success? With 8.6 million tickets sold, the Parisian edition sets a new record for the competition, organizer Tony Estanguet said on Thursday. The previous record dates from the 1996 Atlanta Games, with 8.3 million tickets. A surprising success in light of the unpopularity of this great “popular festival”, which led to the exclusion of thousands of people from Île-de-France and will undoubtedly bring its share of consequences for the environment.

The death of Shelley Duvall, the actress of “The Shining”

The American actress died on Thursday at the age of 75. She achieved some fame in 1980 playing the role of Wendy Torrance in Lights up by Stanley Kubrick with Jack Nicholson. She confided that she had experienced a particularly trying shoot where the director intimidated her in order to get the best performance from the actress. According to US media, Shelley Duvall died in her sleep at her home in Texas after complications related to diabetes.

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