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HomeLawyerSamuel Paty: Sefroui lawyers implicate a jihadist

Samuel Paty: Sefroui lawyers implicate a jihadist

The lawyers of Abdelhakim Sefrioui, indicted for complicity in the assassination, assure that it is Faruq Shami who ordered the murder.


Abdelhakim Sefrioui is indicted for complicity in the assassination of Samuel Paty.

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LThe lawyers of Islamist activist Abdelhakim Sefrioui requested at the end of September that an arrest warrant be issued against Faruq Shami, a Tajik contact in Syria of the assassin of Samuel Paty, whom they present as “the instigator or even the sponsor” of the crime, Agence France-Presse learned on Friday from a source familiar with the matter.

On September 28, lawyers Elise Arfi, Ouadie Elhamamouchi and Sefen Guez Guez filed a request consulted by AFP and revealed by BFM TV asking that Faruq Shami be the subject of an international arrest warrant. For the advice of Abdelhakim Sefrioui, the investigation shows “a direct link between his exhortations (on social networks, editor’s note) and the terrorist’s murderous act” Abdoullakh Anzorov in October 2020.

Faruq Shami would be according to them “the first to whom Abdoullakh Anzorov addresses his claim for the assassination of Samuel Paty”. The assailant also claimed responsibility for the assassination on Twitter. The advice of the Islamist militant also notes that several weeks before the assassination of the professor, Faruq Shami had called in a video to target France within “one month”, following the publication of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad by Charlie Hebdo newspaper. For them, it is “inexplicable (…) that Faruq Shami is not worried” by French justice.

The lawyer for part of Samuel Paty’s family, Me Virginie Le Roy, denounced “an attempt to clear customs by Mr. Sefrioui which is not serious in view of the investigation”. Faruq Shami “is not the sponsor (…) His lawyers never made a single request for an act on this subject during the investigation”, she told Agence France-Presse.

The lawyers of Abdelhakim Sefrioui, indicted for complicity in the assassination, ask for the dismissal of their client.



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