Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeCatsStray, blind cat finds comfort in caring individuals (video)

Stray, blind cat finds comfort in caring individuals (video)

Belladonna roamed the streets of New York with other cats, but her health would soon deteriorate. Fortunately, she will be able to count on the commitment of dedicated humans, who will do everything to allow her to get back on her feet.

John has been helping stray cats for several years in the neighborhood of Bronxat New York. He recently met a cat of about ten years, answering the name of Belladonnareported lovemeow in June.

After regularly feeding her, the man realized that she was blind and losing weight visibly. Worried about his health, he contacted the volunteers of Little Wanderers NYCwhere Susie took over.

The cat was in pain

Belladonna had learned to live with her blindness, but she suffered from another ailment that had to be taken care of quickly. The calico cat had infectious peritonitis, a serious viral disease that mainly affects cats living in communities.

She had to be treated urgently, and thanks to the donations of benefactors and the love of her 2 guardian angels, it was possible. The cat that risked euthanasia was saved from a disastrous fate.

A real fighter

Once treated, the cat regained the necessary strength. Susie confides that in 2 days, Belladonna ate and walked better. His development was remarkable.

In harmony with herself and those around her, Belladonna showed herself to be more and more affectionate and cuddly. Susie is also impressed by the way the cat learns to live with her blindness. ” She never stumbles, and never bumps into walls she says.

Today, Belladonna found the human warmth she needed within the association. Her cozy bed awaits her every night, and she no longer has to worry about looking for shelter day after day.



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