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The best time of day to walk your dog outside in the summer

As summer approaches, walking your dog becomes a habit. In case of extreme heat, here’s when to take your furball out.

The beautiful days are coming, and the desire to go for a walk with your dog is felt. Here are the best times to enjoy long walks with your pet during of the heat wave.

The benefits of walking your dog

For each one offers a walk with a dog many advantages, both for humans and animals. This simple exercise, accessible to everyone, provides significant physical, psychological and social benefits.

In fact, health specialists recommend walking a dog regularly stimulate the heart. This improves blood circulation.

Studies have shown that dog owners tend to have blood pressure lower. But also a reduced cholesterol level compared to those who do not have it.

In addition, walking is thought to be a moderate activity that helps burn calories. Combined with a balanced diet, it contributes to weight control.

Dog owners often say more physically active, which helps them maintain a healthy weight. In addition, walking strengthens the muscles, especially the legs, and contributes to bone strength.

It can also improve posture and balance. Regular physical activity such as walking helps prevent various chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some forms of cancer.

Proven benefits for the body

Being with a dog during a walk has a calming effect. Interactions with pets increase levels of the love hormone oxytocin and decrease cortisol levelsthe stress hormone.

In addition, walks in the open air, in general, often in environments natural, help improve mood and fight depression. Daylight and fresh air play a significant role in regulating mood.

Dog owners must also be aware of their environment and for their pets. Which encourages a form of mindfulness and mental engagement.

In addition, walking with a dog can lead to positive social interactions. Meeting other dog owners in parks or streets encourages conversation and can help build social networks.

Dog owners who walk their neighborhoods contribute to the vitality and safety of their communities. The regular presence of dog walkers can be a deterrent unwanted behavior and strengthen the sense of community.

When should you walk your dog in warm weather?

According to information shared by the national commission of Water (CONAGUA), Spain is currently going through the third heat wave. The latter lasts until the beginning of June.

This heat wave period leads to temperatures of 45 degrees in some areas. regions in Europe. Intense heat affects both people and animals, which is why it is crucial to take good care of the latter.

Despite the weather conditions, dogs still need their daily walks. It is therefore important to choose the best time of day to take them out, to minimize the impact high temperatures.

Also, make sure to give your dog water at all times to avoid heat stroke. The ideal is to walk your dog when the temperature is lower and the sun is less intense.

The best time for walks during the heat wave is in the morning when the air cools is still fresh. As mentioned, the optimal time to walk your dog during the heat wave is in the morning, between 5 and 9, when the heat is at its lowest.

If this is not possible, in the evening after 5:00 p.m., when the sun begins to set, can also fit. Remember to keep it hydrated throughout the day.



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