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HomeDogs"The dog carries loyalty and unwavering love"

“The dog carries loyalty and unwavering love”

Cindy is passionate about dogs. Her first dog was a rottweiler named Oghaan, he accompanied her on her walks, bike rides, horse rides… He was her faithful companion until she died of cancer at the age of 9. After him came Tyson, another rottweiler, a “ball of kindness, he loved to roll in flowers”. Long walks did not interest him. By leaving for a long time, they risk seeing him lying down and no longer disdaining to move forward. He also died too young, aged 4, of cancer.

More than 16 years of life with Guizmo

Guizmo, a boxer cross, lived with Cindy for 16 and a half years and shared many moments of joy and complicity. He arrived when Oghaan was 6 years old, he will have seen his friends leave. “This sporty and ball-loving dog loved following me everywhere. Always by my side, in the kitchen, in front of doors or sleeping at my feet, he must have slowed down with age due to osteoarthritis and heart fatigue. Despite these difficulties, his loyalty and my love for him remained intact. He left a huge void,” confides Cindy. Guizmo saw Pikachu arrive, a chihuahua who was 6 months old at the time and now 12 years old. A groundhog who is passionate about his basket, his quilt and his sleep, although he is ready to follow Cindy to the end of the world if necessary.

Yumi, the youngest

After Guizmo left, Yumi, a Shiba Inu, entered Cindy’s life. She brought new energy and replicated some of Guizmo’s behaviors, helping Cindy cope with her loss. This little dog is now eight months old. Yumi made Cindy join the Thoirette kennel club to ensure her a good education. So they started puppy school. “I was seduced by the friendly, family atmosphere, the skills of the instructors and the relevance of the offered dog training model. Today she has left the puppies and attends training classes like the adults. »

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With Yumi, Cindy has other goals. They already participate in dog shows and are slowly preparing for agility.

“My dogs give me joy, support, pleasure and many other positive feelings. The dog has loyalty and unwavering love for its owner when the latter realizes that it is not just an animal, and that by listening to it and raising it, it is a wonderful life companion, Cindy concludes.



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