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HomeCatsThe incredible outpouring of solidarity to find a cat that has been...

The incredible outpouring of solidarity to find a cat that has been missing for 4 months

Nutty, a 13-year-old black cat, was found four months after her disappearance in Lagny-sur-Marne (77). The feline owes its salvation to a moving outpouring of solidarity and the unfailing determination of its master Philippe. He shared his joy with 30millionsdamis.fr.

I did not find her, we found her “. It is not without emotion that Philippe P., a resident of Lagny-sur-Marne, in Seine-et-Marne, announces to his community the return of his cat Nutty 4 months after his disappearance (24/8/2022).

“When she disappeared, it was terrible”

It must be said that the master went through many moments of doubt during these long months of intensive research. “JI adopted Nutty, or rather, Nutty adopted mehe explains to 30millionsdamis.fr. There has always been something very special between her and me. We have forged extremely strong ties. So when she disappeared, it was terrible… »

On April 30, 2022, Philippe takes his cat with him to work, a residence for seniors. Unfortunately for both of them, everything changes: an important call, a badly closed door and an unexpected crowd outside… the frightened feline escapes Philippe’s vigilance and flees, panicked. ” I looked for it everywherehe recalls. I asked everyone in the residence. But impossible to put his hand on it. I was devastated… Everything happened so fast. »

A community forms to find Nutty

Three weeks after Nutty’s disappearance, Ukrainian residents send him a video where the feline is visible. ” That day, I had missed it at 2 minutes “, is moved the master. Philippe then decides to create a Facebook group, contacts local journalists and installs cameras at the place of the disappearance.

One of the many “Nuttynautes” happy to see Nutty!/DR

Very quickly, the inhabitants flocked to the social network and an article appeared in the weekly La Marne. Many photos of black cats flourish on the group “A la recherche de Nutty” counting up to 150 people, the “Nuttynautes”. Some go so far as to go out into the street and put on kibble to lure the poor departed. “Jwas touched by the great distress of Philippeexplains Martine, one of the inhabitants in the columns of La Marne. As soon as I’m in the neighborhood where she disappeared, I take the time to look for her and call her, and above all I support Philippe as best I can..”

False reports and a saving call

After several weeks of reports and as many disappointments, Philippe ” start to lose hope “. Until the day when the master receives a message accompanied by 3 photos of a cat resembling Nutty in a pavilion, close to his work. Doubt sets in; a second person also indicates having seen the same animal. ” It can only be her hopes Philippe who rushes to the spot.

Unfortunately no one answers when I ringhe regrets. So I write a letter describing my situation and mail it. The next day, the owner of the pavilion contacts him: “ He explains to me on the phone that he has a cat himself and that he sometimes feeds those passing by, including a cat that looks like Nutty “Philippe goes there:” There, a black cat appears. I call her and she stops. She is wary, looks at me. »

“That’s your Nutty!” »

Philippe manages to grab the animal and take it to the vet to make sure it is indeed Nutty. ” I was afraid of giving myself false hope. And the tattoo was hard to read… ” After long minutes of waiting, the veterinarian puts her hand on Philippe’s arm and announces to him: ” It’s all about your Nutty “.

I am more than grateful to all those people who participated in this research.

Philip P.

His relief, Philippe shares it on social networks with his community: “ I would like to thank Blandine, Murielle, Rosaline, Nathalie, Colette, Francine, the young people in the hostel, Tony and Océane… and everyone! Frankly, I didn’t really believe in it anymore and the many messages of support helped me to hold on “, he writes under the moved messages of the” Nuttynautes “.

Treated, the animal has since returned to the place it was before this (mis)adventure. As if nothing had happened ! ” We found our little habitsrejoices Philippe. I am more than grateful to all those people who participated in this research. I know not everyone is so lucky. »

The 30 Million Friends Foundation is delighted with this happy outcome and stresses the importance of pet identification.




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