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HomeInsuranceThe LIOT group counterattacks with a bill

The LIOT group counterattacks with a bill

The reaction against the a-cashier form is taking place in an unprecedented form. On Tuesday 21 May, MPs from the Liberties, Independents, Overseas and Territories (LIOT) group held a press conference with the leaders of the five main trade unions (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, CGT, FO) to present a bill “aimed at protecting the model” compensation for jobseekers. The text clearly seeks to hinder the executive authority’s project, which wants to make the conditions for aid recipients more stringent from July.

“The idea for this bill arose when we discovered that the government wanted to touch unemployment insurance again while we were voting on provisions on the subject in December 2022.”, explains Bertrand Pancher. The chairman of the LIOT group and deputy of Meuse alludes to the full employment law, which almost a year and a half ago introduced the concept of “cyclical” unemployment insurance: when the economic situation is good, the terms and conditions for providing a benefit become stricter, and the conversely becomes relaxed when activity declines.

“Today we learn that there is talk of making things even tougher by means of a decree, while unemployment, after rising slightly in 2023, is no longer falling.”, throws out Mr. Pancher and highlights the inconsistency of the power in place. This is why the bill plans to remove the principle of countercyclicality, “whose logic has already been called into question” of the executive power.

“Do useful work”

The LIOT group’s text also intends to put an end to the government’s “framework document”, created in 2018 to guide the negotiations that employers and unions engage in periodically to redefine the standards of the compensation system. This roadmap system, which the state has imposed on the social partners, is too direct in Mr. Pancher’s eyes. He therefore proposes to replace it with one “guidance, less restrictive”with the purpose “reconnect with the paritarism that was originally at the heart of our model”.

Read the testimonials | Article reserved for our subscribers “When you don’t have a job, you feel on the edge of society”: among the unemployed, the fear of a further tightening of the social security fund

For the Meuse deputy, this is an opportunity to remind “the leading wire” of his group: “Respect for intermediary bodies and social dialogue. » “The government must understand that it cannot decide everything alone”, believes Martine Froger, rapporteur for the bill and MP (LIOT) for Ariège. She recalls that employer and employee organizations had reached an agreement on new rules in November 2023: “Logic would dictate that we respect that. »

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