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HomeInsurancethe obscene decision of his home's insurance company, "A huge stress"

the obscene decision of his home’s insurance company, “A huge stress”

A star is out in the Hollywood sky.
Shannon Dohertyemblematic actress of the series “Beverly Hills” And
“Charmed”died on Saturday, July 13, aged 53, carried off by a Cancer which she had fought against for years.

His longtime spokesman, Leslie Sloane, announced the sad news this Sunday, as reported by People Magazine. “It is with a heavy heart that I confirm the passing of actress Shannen Doherty“, said Leslie Sloane. “On Saturday, July 13, she lost her battle with cancer after many years of fighting. A devoted daughter, sister, aunt and friend, she was surrounded by loved ones and her dog, Bowie.” She added that the family is asking for their privacy to grieve in peace.

A life marked by resilience and trials

Since 2015 has Shannon Doherty fought bravely against one
breast cancer
. In 2017, she announced that the disease was in remission, but she revealed in 2020 that the cancer had returned in stage 4. Despite this ordeal, Doherty never stopped working and fighting for his rights, especially during his high-profile lawsuit against his insurance company, State farm.

In 2018, when his California home was ravaged by fire, State farm had refused to cover the necessary repairs. The insurance company even accused the actress of using her cancer to “win sympathy” from the jury. Despite the allegations, Shannen Doherty won her case and was awarded $6.3 million to cover repair costs, her legal fees and her emotional distress.

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Unnecessary stress created by your insurance company

During the trial, State farm said Shannen Doherty was only eligible for $1 million that covered “remediation, cleaning and rental of a temporary home.” The company tried to discredit the actress by discussing her health and revealing personal information, which caused immense stress to the actress. Shannen Doherty then responded publicly, condemning the insurer’s outrageous attitude.

The release of this information caused me enormous stress“, she declared Fox News. “With my home address published along with information about my health, I fear for my safety and that of my family.”

photo credit: shutterstock

“Obviously it was very difficult for me to publicly disclose my cancer relapse,” she continued, regretting having to talk about her health. It is outrageous that State Farm responded by attempting to smear me by revealing its expert’s speculation about my tobacco use, which was outside of his expertise, and which was apparently based on his misinterpretation or misunderstanding of my highly confidential medical records, which are protected of a court order.

Defend your rights despite illness

The affair had proved the determination of Shannon Doherty to defend their rights despite illness. “ONE
stage 4 cancer doesn’t mean your life is over. This does not mean that you are not viable in a workplace. It’s quite the opposite,” she confided
Varietywho shows his courage.

Shannon Doherty

photo credit: Shutterstock

Shannon Doherty leaves an indelible legacy in the world of television. She will remain unforgettable to many Brenda Walsh from “Beverly Hills 90210”, Caution Halliwell from “Charmed” or Jenny Wilder in “Little House on the Prairie”.



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