The chairman of Toulouse, Pierre Dunac, calls for the creation of a specialized interregional jurisdiction in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne). Responsible for investigating sensitive cases, it would allow, according to the lawyers, to deal with the increase “in drug trafficking and the violence that results from it”.
JIRS for specialized interregional jurisdiction. Created in 2004, they bring together judges of instruction and magistrates to centralize within the same structure all the stages of the penal procedure. They intervene in particularly complex cases, particularly in the area of drug trafficking. There are 8 throughout France: Paris, Lyon, Marseilles, Lille, Rennes, Bordeaux, Nancy and Fort-de-France. All files concerning Toulouse or Occitanie are entrusted to the specialized interregional jurisdiction of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone) or Bordeaux (Gironde).
“Occitania is a huge territory with a drug hub which is Toulouseunderlines the Bâtonnier Pierre dunac. The division that was chosen for the defense zones is totally obsolete. Sending a dossier concerning the Toulouse region to Marseille or Bordeaux brings additional complexity. The Marseille magistrates are very far from the reality on the ground and do not know the particularisms. They don’t know how to tell the difference, for example, between the district of Izards and that of mirail.“
Certain Occitan cases having landed on the office of the JIRS Marseille or Bordeaux take several years to complete. A file concerning the Tarn, the case celeawill have taken 13 years to end up in court.
To this is added another reality: “the Toulouse region has been facing, for several years, an increase in drug trafficking and offenses related to the resale of narcoticsreports the Toulouse Bar. Thus, with 1,351 drug-related offenses (excluding drug use)Haute-Garonne is the 4th department where drug trafficking and resale are the most important – 2nd except Ile-de-France. Between 2020 and 2021, these offenses increased by 32.3%proving that traffic was well distributed after the 2020 confinements.“
The Toulouse investigators have the greatest difficulty in carrying out their investigations correctly. “The current trial of the killer in the Niqab which is currently being held at the Assises de Toulouse is very badly treatedbelieves Master dunac. The file is terribly incomplete, not because of the investigators, but because of totally unsuitable means.“
Arguments that should speak to investigators and magistrates who are currently mobilizing against the reform of the judicial police. The project plans to place all police departments across the department – intelligence, public security, border police (PAF) and judicial police (PJ) – under the authority of a single Departmental Director of the National Police (DDPN)depending on the prefect.