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The US has a radical technique to protect itself against drones – La Nouvelle Tribune

Recent conflicts in Syriahair Gaza and in Ukraine has profoundly changed the art of war and placed drones at the heart of modern military strategies. Remotely controlled or autonomous, these flying machines have established themselves as important assets on the battlefields, offering reconnaissance, strike precision and operational flexibility. Several nations have positioned themselves at the forefront of this technological revolution: Iran, a pioneer in the development of combat drones Russia and Ukraine, who are using them intensively in their current conflict, as well as China and Turkey, who are investing heavily in this sector. Faced with this proliferation of aerial threats, USA reveal a brave response to protect their territory.

Artificial intelligence in the service of the air force

In the race for military innovation, USA is banking on artificial intelligence to revolutionize their anti-drone defenses. THE Ministry of Defence recently entered into a strategic collaboration with Anduril Industriesa Californian company at the forefront of military technology. This contract, worth $250 million, aims to provide the US Army with a new generation of defensive arsenal. The core of this initiative is Roadrunner-Man autonomous interceptor drone designed to track and neutralize aerial threats with unprecedented efficiency.

Unprecedented operational flexibility

THE Roadrunner-M stands out for its versatility and adaptability to different areas of operation. Capable of vertical takeoff and landing, it can be rapidly deployed from varied terrain, providing increased responsiveness to emerging threats. This operational flexibility allows US forces to strengthen the protection of their sensitive locations, whether they are on national territory or abroad. The system is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing defense infrastructure, increasing overall resilience against enemy drone attacks. The truly radical aspect of this approach lies in the impressive number of these drones that can be deployed simultaneously: no less than 500 Roadrunner-M are planned for ” walnut » literally the sky, forming a dense and reactive air shield that can effectively counter any enemy incursion.

An economical and sustainable approach

Unlike traditional weapon systems, which are often expensive and disposable, it is Roadrunner-M introduces a dimension of economy and sustainability in the Air Force. After completing its mission, this drone can be recovered, recharged and redeployed quickly, significantly reducing long-term operating costs. This innovative approach not only optimizes military resources, but also maintains a constant and evolving defensive presence against ever-changing threats.

The US initiative to deploy autonomous drones for anti-aircraft defense marks a turning point in modern military strategies. By combining artificial intelligence, operational flexibility and sustainability, USA seek to establish a new standard in soil protection. This technological advance nonetheless raises questions about the potential escalation of drone warfare and its ethical implications, opening a debate about the future of national security in an era of military autonomy.



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