Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeCatsThey go to a shelter to adopt a cat, but things don't...

They go to a shelter to adopt a cat, but things don’t go as planned

© They go to a shelter to adopt a cat, but things don’t go as planned

Without planning it, Tara and Steve ended up by saving the lives of three cats in an animal shelter in Canada.

How did this story start?

One day, Tara was surfing Facebook when she fell on a post about a tabby kitten, whose name is Shadow. He was then available for adoption at the Exploits Valley SPCA Adoptables shelter.

To them, Shadow’s image was a sign of fate

A few months earlier they had lost Jackson, their 18-year-old cat. The death of their faithful four-legged companion then devastated them. At the moment, they were not considering adopting a new animal. But when they saw this post, everything changed.

“I didn’t know when we would be ready (to adopt again). But giving a home to another stray would be the perfect tribute to our cat’s memory. So I knew right away he was ours.”

He also kindly reminded me of our Jackson and we fell in love.”

After careful consideration, the couple applied for adoption. So Shadow would be the newest member of their family.

So they got ready and went to the shelter and looked for the kitten. But this, without expecting that at the end of the day, they come home with three cats.

Facebook screenshot

“As soon as we saw it, we knew the feeling we had was right. It was almost like he had too. Two seconds with him and we knew he was coming home with us,” Tara remembers.

She left Shadow with her husband and went to do the administrative procedures. But along the way two cats caught his attention: Poco and Pony.

As soon as Tara picked Poco up, he curled up and started purring. Pony wasn’t far away. This one started meowing for hugs.

“It’s like they had a group meeting the day before to pre-plan how to get the three of us adopted,” she jokes.

Finally, Tara and Steve adopted the three cats. And even though it wasn’t planned, they are completely happy. They know they are honoring the memory of Jackson, who would undoubtedly have been happy by their side.

The cats, now named Chirp, Flynn and Riggs, love their new family

“We are very much in love with these three cats and we really felt like we were all made for each other.

Our house finally feels like home again and our morale is high. Jackson will never be replaced. But he would be happy to know that his loved ones are being cared for and that his home continues to be filled with love and happiness,” Tara concluded.

“We came to adopt a cat… we fell in love at 3” ❣️Heartwarming alert❣️ If you need a smile this morning, watch…

“This adoption is extraordinary. It’s a beautiful story. And all cats get along well. Congratulations to the cats and their families » »Congratulations to you all.

Your home is sure to be full of laughter and love with these three wonderful additions,” “These kitties are so lucky to have you,” are some of the comments from netizens.



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