This cat has become very popular on social media for expressing its emotions and desires in a very creative way. Cat, named Winslowtook a step beyond her meows and learned to play the piano to communicate her needs.
Although he has an immense talent for playing the small instrument, this behavior always has a double objective, that of attracting the attention of his mistress. Every time he plays the piano, it sounds more like a protest than a polite request for food.
A cat plays the piano to ask for food
Kate Nyx, Winslow’s mistress, is a musician who lives in Philadelphia, USA. She adopted him when he was only 8 weeks old. He was found in the backyard of his cousin’s house when he tried to fight the pet.
He was a very unruly feline and had many scars; he was covered in dirt, very hungry and had a noticeable form of scabies. After many medical care and treatment, the cat was able to overcome all her health problems and lead a normal life.
This cat was a very noisy and temperamental feline, so Kate decided to do something about it. She had the brilliant idea of teaching him to play a baby piano she bought on EBay when she was in high school, and now Winslow, instead of meowing, just plays the instrument.
Kate explains as follows:
“He was running around screaming all the time and I was like, ‘this is not good’. »
His main problem was that he made a lot of noise with his meows when he wanted something.
Kate continued:
“The piano is a means of communication, so it no longer screams like it’s murder. »
The only thing left to do was therefore to train Winslow very well so that he could play the keys of the miniature piano as he should.
Kate said:
“He started showing an interest in the piano as a baby, playing the notes and looking down trying to find where they came from. »
She helped Winslow’s interest in the piano become his new way of expressing himself and taught him that he should play it at lunchtime. Winslow was a good student and learned quickly, so it wasn’t long before he started using his instrument.
Kate said:
“It’s become a kind of hunting bounty, because he can’t do much in the apartment. He tends to play alone when we’re in the kitchen and he knows he can probably eat something. »
But Winslow wasn’t just driven by food, he learned to use the piano as a whimsical way to communicate that he wants to get something.
What started out as a way for Kate to counter bad behavior has become a way to alert her to all of her daily needs. Besides asking for foodhe lets Kate know that he needs to change his litter box or just wants some tenderness.
Kate said:
“He uses the piano to express himself in general, to draw my attention to something. It’s his alert system in general. »
He became so popular on social media that Kate created a song for him showcasing his piano playing and meowing skills. The single titled “Bean Gotta Scream” was released on August 7 this year, and is now available on streaming platforms.
Today, Winslow has become a star known for going from being an unruly cat to being a talented cat.