In 2004, after moving to the Scottish town of Midlothian, British Kim Collier lost her cat Tilly. Despite her efforts to find her missing pet, including numerous posters posted, there has been no sign of Tilly. However after 17 years, she was reunited with her owner.
Reunion made possible thanks to a microchip
In fact, you should know that Kim Collier always updated the cat’s microchip information and this, despite two more moves that took place over the next 17 years. An application that was rewarded after a surprise call.
In March 2022, Kim Collier received a call from the Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA). It is a charity whose aim is to promote animal welfare in Scotland. So the SSPCA contacted her out of the blue to ask if she had a cat named Tilly. A question to which she answered: “I had one, a long time ago”.
However, the officer who called him later clarified that the cat was in the back of his van. He was also told that the cat’s microchip had made it possible to find its information (telephone number, address, etc.). Information that left Kim Collier surprised and doubtful, as she mentioned in her interview with the Scottish tabloid Daily Record. According to her, it was a very strange feeling. His world was turned upside down, but in a good way.
According to the SSPCA, the cat Tilly was found in the same area where he disappeared 17 years ago. The organization had been contacted by a citizen who had spotted the cat and who was worried about his state of health. In effect Tilly, who will turn 20 this year, needed urgent medical attention.
The woman who found her said Tilly was skin and bones. In addition, the cat is currently receiving palliative care at a veterinary clinic because he has a bladder tumor and has reached the last years of his life. In any case, Kim Collier hopes to bring her home, once she has regained her strength. So they can spend the last days of the chat together. Kim said she was not going to give up on Tilly under any circumstances.
She urged others who have missing pets to update their microchip details regularly. In addition, it educates the general public to pay attention to potentially lost animals.
Why should you opt for microchipping for pets?
Pet microchipping is currently an increasingly popular form of animal identification. It must be said that it can really help you find your cat or your dog.
However, many owners still have concerns about the concept of chipping their pet. To help you make an informed decision about microchipping your four-legged friend, here are its benefits:
- She is unforgeable.
- chipping your pet is a painless procedure.
- the microchip has no need to be replaced.
- pet owner’s personal information is secure.