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HomeCatsTODAY'S FACTS Huge solidarity to save the Dyrefavorit shelter

TODAY’S FACTS Huge solidarity to save the Dyrefavorit shelter

With a debt of 10,000 euros, this shelter located in Nîmes, which has 150 cats, has already paid half of its debt thanks to the solidarity of animal lovers. The association has been partially saved and has taken radical measures.

In 2025, the Coup de cœur animal association (CCA) celebrates its 10th anniversary. At least that’s what the 11 volunteers who keep the association and the 152 cats who are taken into a 1,000 m2 shelter installed near the road from Uzès to Nîmes hope. They are hopeful because the association is plagued by major financial problems: on the verge of closure just a few days ago with almost 10,000 euros in debt.

How did we get there? “Our policy is to care for cats until the end. We never euthanize, except when there is really no more hope. About twenty cats are affected by calicivirus, a virus that attacks the mucous membranes. It is therefore necessary to extract the teeth, and it is very expensive, about 350 euros”explains Stéphanie Masse, secretary of the Coup de coeur animal. Expensive care, to which must be added the cost of sterilization for new arrivals.

In this shelter, the cats live comfortably • Photo Corentin Corger

In addition to vet fees, farrier fees and daily operating costs (kibble, hay), what put the shelter in the red was the construction of a farm in Manduel to accommodate around thirty goats, but also horses and other livestock that would be abandoned. . Because it is not only the felines that are taken in. Many expenses and in the opposite column receipts which do not allow us to find a balance.

“All these donations are what gave us the strength to continue”

The association lives on donations, some grants paid by 30 million friends or SPA and the price of adoptions. The sum of 160 euros, which includes sterilization, is required to adopt a cat. In 2023, 71 residents found a new family. But that’s not enough, so the Coup de coeur animal organized one lottery-like event a month, a garage sale, to help you find your way around. “The city of Nîmes stopped giving us a room for free at the Costières stadium, so that also put a brake on organizing indoor events”explains Stéphanie Masse.

All these adventures to reach a serious situation where there was even talk on social networks about stopping on December 31 and finding a new home for the cats. And it is precisely by conveying this very complicated context to the 6,000 subscribers of the Facebook account that a huge wave of solidarity was born. Many Gardois animal rights activists and cat lovers have decided to mobilize. Online or spontaneous, donations have multiplied and 5,000 euros have already been collected, which made it possible to pay 13 bounced checks and other bills.

preferred animal shelter cats

Eleven volunteers take care of the cats, but it’s not enough • Photo Corentin Corger

“There was enormous solidarity. We received a lot of sympathy messages telling us not to close. All these donations are what gave us the strength to continue”confides, somewhat relieved, Stéphanie. Although a big step forward has been taken, the association is not yet completely out of the woods. There is still 5,000 euros left to find. In addition to donations, volunteers expect an upswing in adoptions. “It is better to take a cat from a shelter than from Leboncoininsists our interlocutor, even if we are sometimes criticized for it, but we are not a shop and we are quite demanding before we release a cat. As our name suggests, the cat must also have a feeling with its new family. »

Lack of volunteers

A cattery that has a maximum capacity of more than 150 cats, which means that care must be stopped. And yet demand is strong and abandonments are on the rise. “Many rescued cats are found by the side of the road, it’s hard to say no”confides Stéphanie, who obviously doesn’t make it a valid reason, but who clarifies that cat food has also increased by 30%. With such a large number of residents, CCA also lacks volunteers to clean litter boxes and perform treatments, “it should be twice as much to be comfortable. We do it with our hearts, but there are times when we want a little help and a little breather. »

In order to get through this and not relive such a fear again, the association took radical measures at the beginning of the week. She will reduce the number of partner veterinarians, postpone the opening of the farm to the start of the 2025 school year and try to be supported by a professional management. And adopt a new motto: “Take your time to do things according to the cash flow and not in a hurry”we can read on the announcement published on the Facebook account. The ambition is also to be able to find a room in Nîmes to organize events such as lotto. A raffle has already started. Of course, there is no cat to win, but the opportunity to help give them a comfortable and pleasant life.



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