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HomeUnited StateTrump ahead of Biden for 2024 election, poll finds

Trump ahead of Biden for 2024 election, poll finds

If the Republican and Democrat were tossed head-to-head in the next presidential election, Trump would win the favor of 45% of Americans, compared to 41% for Biden, a poll reveals.

Trump winning against Biden in a hypothetical confrontation for the presidency of the United States in 2024. This is the image given by a poll, carried out by Harvard CAPS – Harris Poll and published by the media The Hill this Monday. According to the results, the first would win the favor of the Americans up to 45% if he were opposed to Joe Biden, the latter gathering only 41% of the votes. 14% of respondents said they were unsure or did not know.

Faced with Kamala Harris, the current vice-president, this gap would widen even further in favor of Donald Trump, reveals the survey: 47% of respondents say they would then vote for the Republican, against 40% for the Democrat.

Asked by The Hillthe co-director of the investigation explains that Joe Biden would be “a very weak Democratic candidate and would even lose the popular vote in a rematch today”.

“Trump is far from having 50% support, and there is a high undecided vote despite the fact that everyone knows the candidates, because the public wants something new rather than more of the same”, comments Mark Penn again. .

“The public wants something new”

This low support for a possible candidate Biden can be explained by his current popularity rating, at its lowest level since his election, with 38% satisfaction among Americans.

Notable fact: The majority of poll respondents said they did not want Joe Biden and Donald Trump to run in the next presidential election, a sign of a need for renewal in the White House.

Joe Biden, like other American officials, has repeatedly stressed that the 79-year-old president will run again in 2024, provided his health permits.

The poll was conducted online July 27-28 among 1,885 registered voters as part of a collaboration between Harvard University’s Center for American Political Studies and Harris Poll.



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