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HomeInsuranceWar reporters: RSF alarmed by rise in insurance rates

War reporters: RSF alarmed by rise in insurance rates

Eleven in Ukraine. About a hundred, according to the count of a consortium of twelve international media, including “Le Monde”, in the Gaza Strip. The number of journalists who have died in current conflicts is a reminder of the danger these professionals braved to inform. Faced with this observation, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) deplores a sharp increase in insurance companies’ prices in a press release issued on 9 July.

RSF claims to have communicated with around ten French public and private media outlets. “The increase can be several thousand euros a day,” explains Pavol Szalai, head of RSF’s EU and Balkans desk. Contracts that included international coverage sometimes saw their prices quadruple. Ā»

Multiple war zones

Several factors can explain such increases. “Reporters are traveling more frequently because of the increase in conflicts,” says Jean-Baptiste Ory, head of political risk at Aon France. Insurance companies also believe that a journalist can be targeted (as such, ed. note).ā€ Between 2003 and 2022, 1,688 information professionals lost their lives in a conflict zone, according to RSF.


Journalists lost their lives in a conflict zone between 2003 and 2022.

Some insurance companies have left the market due to the increase in the number of disputes. “Today, in France, only 4 or 5 insurance companies cover war reporters,” notes Pavol Szalai. They interact more with journalists. Exact itineraries, places of stay, program… Insurance companies seek information to know precisely the risks that their customers run.

“The number of days spent on site is a real problem for insurance companies,” explains Nathalie Robert, head of individual accidents and special risks at Marsh France. If a journalist is stuck in Gaza, for example, he must be insured for a longer period of time. Ā» This difficulty is all the more concrete when it is necessary to protect a local freelancer.

Regulated by the collective agreement for journalists

The insurance covering war reporters has several clauses. “There is capital on the one hand in case of death or permanent disability and/or on the other hand medical or repatriation costs,” says Charles Pietropoli, specialist adviser for personal accident and special risk insurance at Marsh France.

The amount paid is guaranteed by Ā§ 39 of the national collective agreement for journalists from 1eh November 1976. The amount received must be “a guarantee of 10 times the person’s annual salary”.

On the other hand, medical and repatriation costs are not indicated in the text. The latter is subject to a commitment to means and not to results. “The insurance company undertakes to do everything possible to ensure that an injured journalist returns and is treated,” explains Eric Moreau, director of Aon France. However, it is almost impossible in practice to exfiltrate a reporter from a front line. Ā»

Insurance launched by RSF

RSF called on the French insurance company police (ACPR) to check this price increase. The institution declared itself incompetent. “We strongly regret that no authority is competent to regulate market prices,” lamented Pavol Szalai. Here the right to information is threatened. Ā»

For its members, the NGO launched its own insurance for war journalists two years ago. It had about 400 subscriptions in March 2022. “Its goal is to offer protection to independent journalists who would not have the means to protect themselves in a conflict zone,” comments Pavol Szalai.

This contract has been concluded with the British insurance company Battleface. Although more accessible, this offer raises questions from some brokers who believe that the amount is lower than that required by the Journalist Convention. Additionally, several countries currently in conflict are not eligible for this insurance offer. This is especially the case in Afghanistan, Sudan and even Syria.



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