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“We are ready to exist on the political stage”

– Why would you submit your application?
– There is a right-wing nationalism that was not represented, so we had to come forward. In Mossa Palatina we are disappointed with the negotiations on autonomy, with the leftist tendency of the current territorial majority. So we are more on a pragmatic nationalism. Autonomy has been talked about for forty years, but those in power still have no project to give the government.

– What would your project be?
– We would, for example, have concrete proposals on employment. We are for this season’s CDI, which has barely been defended by the nationalists in power. However, with this seasonal fixed contract, we would not pay fees for six months, but we would retain the employees. It would cost less in unemployment for the government, for the state, and it would allow us to have employees throughout the year. We would recover a tax subsidy, either in the form of a share of the VAT or something else. And after five years, if it works, we would make the measure sustainable. And we could do that on a very large number of subjects.

– And what about housing? You are Porto-Vecchiais, we are aware of the difficulties that the population encounters in finding housing. What do you suggest to remedy this?
– We are in favor of a renewed discussion of the Miot decrees, because we are in the process of depriving the Corsicans of their land. Then we have to make a municipal subdivision. Finally, the municipalities that overtax holiday homes have made the right decision, because it will limit the rental situation. Even if we were to be able to distinguish the Corsicans who have another home in the village from the others who come to invest. »

– Initially, A Mossa Palatina had the local elections in 2026 in its sights. By dissolving the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron also sped things up for you. Are you ready ?
– We said that we would stand for all the election events. 2026 should have been the closest. But yes, we are ready, we have already initiated a number of programs. And it gives us the opportunity to see if our message will be heard by the population. It’s ultimately even better. Because we can already exist on the political scene without waiting for the local elections.

– In the nationalist movement, A Mossa Palatinu claims to be on the right. What distinguishes you from Nazione, the party that was created at the beginning of the year, as a result of the merger of A Chjama Patriotta and Corsica Libera?
– We are not separatists, we are autonomous. Because we believe that in today’s world no country is truly independent. We want to continue in stages and in forty years, what stages have we taken in Corsica? None, the devolution statutes have not moved things forward.

– Nazione says he is against the colonization of settlements, wherever it comes from. Do you feel ideologically close to this line?
– I don’t know what they mean by that. We, as far as immigration is concerned, have a clear position: France cannot accommodate all the misery in the world, when at the same time there are 11 million poor and 5 million unemployed. »

– When colonizing settlements, Nazione primarily targets people from the continent who come to settle in Corsica.
– If it is, it is something which is of course part of our program to combat property speculation. A third of Corsican land belongs to the diaspora. These owners were not even heard of Padduc. Yet they are just as concerned. »

– On June 9, the National Rally came first at the European elections in France, and especially in Corsica. Do you feel close to the ideas he carries?
– It depends on which ones. In terms of migration policy, we are of course close. On the other hand, we are far from sharing their Jacobin politics. But we can chat with them. We are open to all parties who want to be in favor of the statutory development of Corsica.

– You are talking about migration policy. What is your assessment of the situation in Corsica in this regard?
– It is the same as on the continent. We don’t have enough wealth to share right now. So inevitably we will have to turn to selective immigration, whether in France or Corsica. I don’t see how reducing mass immigration to Corsica would be a problem.

– Because according to INSEE, two out of three workers in Corsica are immigrant men. If they weren’t there, who would be in these positions today?
– If there is work for these people and we lack manpower, it is no problem. As long as it is a work immigration that is long-term or temporary and that respects the cultures of a country… But if the Corsicans do not take more positions of this type, it is mainly because there is a lack of education here, especially in hotels – and the restaurant industry. That there is no hotel school in Corsica still seems extraordinary to me. That is why we collect people from other places. And there are also salaries that are too low and unattractive. Another problem: the money that seasonal workers receive is not reinvested in Corsica, so we do not recover all the benefits of tourism.

– What measures are you taking to improve the purchasing power of the most disadvantaged social classes?
– We are in favor of a reduction in labor costs, but to the benefit of the employee. This means that we would like to bring the net closer to the gross.

– The outgoing deputy Paul-André Colombani had actively participated in the fight against the mafia, supporting the mandatory confiscation of the mafia’s assets that was finally passed by the National Assembly last December. How can we go further to fight mafia abuses in Corsica?
– No one has found the solution, not even in France! I believe that France should invest heavily in justice, especially by reinstating local judges in everyday cases. Because for a simple criminal case, it sometimes takes a year before it goes before a judge.

– Corsica is the only region in France that does not have a university hospital. The National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee voted unanimously in favor of the bill introduced by MP Colombani. But it couldn’t land in the half-cycle because of the dissolution. If elected, will you continue the work started to create a university hospital in Corsica?
– We will present this proposal, there is no problem. A university hospital takes between fifteen and twenty years to complete. But what do we do in the meantime? Today, there is a lack of a director at the Sartène hospital, MRI examinations in three quarters of Corsica’s hospitals or high-quality equipment. Pending the construction of the CHU, it will be necessary to invest in hospitals in Corsica or develop public-private partnerships with clinics.



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