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HomeInsurancewhat will change on 1 September with the pension reform

what will change on 1 September with the pension reform

This Wednesday, May 31 The Director General of Old Age Security has confirmed that the pension reform can actually be implemented as of 1 September. In this context, there will logically be consequences for old-age insurance. While the French are still hoping for a resurgence of the opposition or a democratic solution found in the National Assembly, it seems that the reform will go to completion and on this deadline now raised like a clover. The start of the new school year promises to be full of changes for future pensioners.

This Wednesday, May 31 took place the consideration in the assembly’s social committee of the bill (PPL) from the Liot group. targeted? A desire to remove the increase in the legal retirement age, planned from 62 to 64 years. In a very tense climate, this examination of the text provided a preview of the possible disagreements that will take place during the June 8 session. Thus, on this date, it is expected that the Liot group will use its parliamentary niche to propose this law, which aims to cancel the increase in the retirement age.

During this first examination in the committee, majority and opposition were very strongly opposed on many issues and showed that the split was still wide on this issue. The representative of La France Insoumise has therefore, as reported by our colleagues Echoescondemned “mafia operation of macaroni”. Thus, the parliamentarians have it approved by 38 votes to 34 the deletion of the bill’s first article. The majority was able to count on the Republican deputies to implement this favorable balance.

Old-age insurance: long-awaited decrees

With the censorship of the bill’s first article, the opposition immediately responded by submitting hundreds of sub-amendments to Article 2 of the PPL to avoid the entire bill being processed. Parallel to this the large organizations are preparing the implementation with, according to the general manager, Renaud Villard, no “calendar alarm”.

Today’s video

With CNEWS he then spoke further the publication of the decrees, which should be ready in time. In his words, “pension will be calculated according to the new rules” from the month of July. This gives a small lead between now and the turbulent start of the school year in September.

Old-age insurance: CNAV in difficulties

However, the implementation of this pension reform looks like an obstacle course for certain organizations such as CNAV. It is therefore essential for it to train its agents in the new methods, but also to succeeded in adapting its IT infrastructure without creating shortcomings for future pensioners.

This is revealed by an investigation from the weekly magazine Politis the suffering of old-age insurance employees at work is a reality. If he believes that he does not “underestimate the cognitive fatigue of teams”, Renaud Villard mentioned the employment of 500 people to handle these changessome of which have already been in the post since last winter.



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