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HomeInsurancewhat you need to know to avoid being scammed

what you need to know to avoid being scammed

Damage caused or suffered, theft, hospitalization… School insurance covers losses that children cause and suffer in the context of school. But are they really important? RMC Conso explains.

Just days before the start of the 2024-2025 school year, nearly 12 million children are preparing to return to classes. And like every year, this period not only means buying supplies for parents, but also taking out school insurance. RMC Conso explains everything you need to know to avoid being scammed.

Is school insurance necessary?

Although it is not legally required for “all compulsory activities”, school insurance is nevertheless systematically required by schools for optional activities, explains the Ministry of Economy.

In fact, it is necessary to cover your child during excursions organized by the establishment, such as a visit to a museum, a language stay, a discovery lesson, etc.

“You must also take out school insurance if your child goes to the canteen. This is also the case if he participates in activities organized by the municipalities after school hours,” the public service website states.

Does the house insurance cover my child?

Some comprehensive house insurance policies can cover your child’s civil liability in the event of property damage or bodily injury caused to other children.

“They can cover medical expenses, prostheses, replacement glasses, funerals and childcare in the event of disasters,” explains Loïc Kueny, director of marketing at Direct Assurance.

But be careful, these contracts generally do not cover the injury your child suffers. “If, for example, he is injured alone by falling on the way back from school, the consequences of his accident will not be taken care of,” warns the specialist. Therefore, taking out school insurance can quickly become essential.

How do I check my school insurance guarantees?

To properly protect your child, the chosen school insurance contract must include the following two guarantees:

  • Civil liability guarantee

The latter covers material and bodily damage that your child has caused to third parties. If the latter, for example, breaks a friend’s glasses, the insurance can reimburse them.

  • Accident guarantee

This warranty protects your child in the event of bodily injury that he or she suffers, regardless of whether or not he or she is responsible. In the event that the latter is injured, for example, by falling on the way to school or during recess, this guarantee covers all medical expenses.

Should I subscribe to warranty extensions?

If the above two guarantees are essential, certain extensions offered by insurance companies are not necessarily useful. For example, you don’t need after-school coverage if your child doesn’t participate in any extracurricular activities.

On the other hand, if your child is “transporting an expensive musical instrument, an optional warranty that covers theft may be wise,” urges Maif. This also applies to students who use expensive equipment that can be stolen, such as computers or tablets.

If you choose to subscribe to an extension that insures your child during their leisure activities, you must ensure that the practice is covered by the contract. For good reasons, certain sports considered extreme, such as skiing, may be excluded.

How much should you count on average?

Prices vary depending on guarantees, extensions and the insurance company, but they are generally between 10 and 40 euros per year. Before signing, you must compare offers and prices from different insurance companies.

According to the website, this low price is explained by low requirements in this market. “The majority of injuries are actually not serious and often concern teeth or broken glasses,” explains the insurance comparator.

One thing is certain: parents should not ignore this insurance, which is far from a formality, but provides financial security in the event of an accident.



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