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Kamala Harris in pole position to replace Biden in shaky campaign

Kamala Harris is in pole position Monday for the Democratic nomination for president in November against Donald Trump, with a wave of demonstrations in her party following Joe Biden’s shock withdrawal that threw the campaign into uncertainty. 59 years ago, the first woman vice president in the history of the United States praised Joe Biden’s record, “unparalleled in modern history”. However, Kamala Harris did not mention the November 5 deadline in this first speech since Sunday, strong in the symbol because she was kept in the White House while the president is convalescing outside Washington. She declared the day before ready to “win the nomination” during the Democratic convention in mid-August in Chicago, after gaining the support of the president, worn in his 81 years. But various Democratic tenors, first and foremost Barack Obama, still refrain from giving direct support to the woman, who is also the first black vice president. “We will be navigating uncharted territory in the coming days,” the former president warned, with delegates to the convention still free to vote. Another major figure in the party, Nancy Pelosi has currently remained silent and would favor an “open” nomination process. In just eight days, the race for the White House has experienced two major historical twists, which have completely reshuffled the race. short of an election that hardly excited the Americans: first the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, then the thunderclap on Sunday after the withdrawal of Joe Biden, forced to yield to the pressure of his own camp. Now arguably the oldest candidate in the race, at 78 years old, Donald Trump did not fail to continue to joke about the president’s mental abilities. “Joe Biden does not remember that he gave up the race yesterday!” he joked on his social network – Support from former potential rivals – He is confined to his villa by the sea in Delaware to treat a Covid that Joe Biden has announced his. intention to pass the torch “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and country that I step aside and concentrate solely on carrying out my duties as president,” he wrote, defeated after weeks of doubting his mental acuity . A month before the convention that would have admitted him as a candidate, he also announced that he would address the country “later this week.” The vice president quickly received the strong support of Bill and Hillary Clinton, but also of several important governors, some of them considered potential rivals: Gretchen Whitmer (Michigan), Gavin Newsom (California), Wes Moore (Maryland), Andy Beshear (Kentucky) and JB Pritzker (Illinois) Support also came from a host of Democratic elected moderates from the party’s leftmost wing, notably represented by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, influential New York representative. Another bright spot for Kamala Harris, announced independent Senator Joe Manchin, a former Democrat known for his conservative positions. on Monday that he was not a presidential candidate Joe Biden’s withdrawal also brought big profits to the Democrats, who welcomed the largest single-day fundraising for the presidential election: $46.7 million – the Trump campaign was turned upside down, this announcement shakes completely up in Donald Trump’s candidacy, forced to rethink his election strategy, very focused on the president’s form, with a bumbling, stuttering or stumbling Joe Biden. So many arguments that risk turning directly against the Republican are against Kamala Harris, nearly 20 years younger. There is no doubt that this former prosecutor will do anything to put the legal problems of Donald Trump, who was convicted of criminal charges in late May, back into the spotlight. She could also make abortion one of her main points of attack, this theme having proven its effectiveness with voters According to an average of polls taken before the turning point on Sunday, Kamala Harris would achieve a slightly better score on November 5 than Joe Biden against Donald Trump, but would still trail the Republican by two percent. points (46% against 48% for him). Donald Trump’s campaign team says it will not be surprised as officials have been working behind the scenes to prepare campaign ads attacking Kamala Harris. Taking advantage of the Democratic setbacks, the Republican candidate also continues to survey the field and exploits it. unifying effect of his party’s convention, which officially installed him as its candidate last week. He will hold another campaign rally Wednesday in North Carolina.seb-cjc/aem



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