1,350 vehicles were set on fire overnight from Friday to Saturday, according to the Interior Ministry. These humiliations come after several nights of violence following the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old teenager killed by a police officer after refusing to comply.
The violence continues night after night, and many motorists fear for their vehicles. Normally a car must be insured, but does the insurance fully reimburse a motorist when his car has been set on fire? We explain to you.
Comprehensive insurance is the best solution
For people who have taken out all-risk insurance, there are no problems with reimbursement. Simply file a claim quickly and report the fire to the insurance company. within five days from the day you became aware of it. It is necessary to specify, in your statement, the location and circumstances of the fire explains France Assurur.
Once the competent authorities are aware of the fire, an expert will be appointed to find out whether the fire is actually criminal or not.
At the reimbursement level itself, “ the compensation amount is calculated according to the value of your vehicle as defined in the insurance contract (market value, catalog value…)”.
Claims for compensation under conditions
On the other hand, for motorists insured third party (that is, in civil liability), it is more complicated. In advance, they cannot claim a refund. But there are two options for getting a refund.
First, the vehicle must be insured and have a registration certificate. ” If he is over four years old, he must have his technical inspection updated “, explains Olivier Moustacakis, co-founder of the comparator Assurland.com to the Parisian.
For the first option, apply for compensation from the Crime Victims Compensation Commission (Civi). But this request is subject mean test “. For a single person, the ceiling is set at 27,608.
For a person with two dependent children, the limit is set at 34,234 euros. But it should be noted that a full refund is not possible. The compensation provided is limited to 4,601 euros in 2023.
File a complaint against the state as a last resort
The second option is less known and, above all, much more complicated. It can be used for people who are not entitled to compensation from Civi. “ You can initiate legal proceedings against the state in case of urban violence by filing a complaint with the prefecture », explains the co-founder of Assurland.com.
This option is based on Article L211-10 of the Internal Security Code: “ the state is civilly liable for injuries and damages resulting from crimes and offenses committed, by open force or by violence, by armed or unarmed crowds and assemblies, either against persons or against property “.
But going to court is very complex for some. The easiest way is to take out a fire guarantee.