A young cat wandered around a neighborhood looking for food until one day a kind person stopped to help.
An orange tabby appeared in a neighborhood and went door to door in search of food. Finally he found a house with a bowl left out for strays.
After roaming the streets for a while, he returned to the familiar place for food. When no one came to claim him, a concerned neighbor posted pictures of him to get him help. A local animal rescuer responded quickly and tried to bring him to safety.
The cat was scared and wanted to hide when someone approached. “His rescuer set up a humane trap with food. (Driven by hunger) he quickly went in,” Chatons told Orphelins Montreal.
He was found walking around a neighborhood all aloneKittensOrphansMontreal
After securing the cat, she brought him to a veterinary clinic for the care he needed. “The little ginger, named Kumquat, was lucky to be saved. He wouldn’t have survived much longer in the cold. His days of wandering the streets were finally over.”
Soon after being taken in, he warmed to the comfort and safety of indoor life.
Kumquat needed a foster home and volunteers at Chatons Orphelins Montreal stepped up to help. “He was a little young cat with an eye infection. Despite everything he had been through, he remained incredibly sweet.”
After receiving proper treatment, nutritious food and ample rest, he was finally on the mend.
Kumquat was finally safeKittensOrphansMontreal
“He’s regained his strength, his eyes are healing and his personality is really emerging.”
As soon as he felt better, he eagerly sought out his people and basked in their attention. He flopped at their feet and rolled around in pure bliss. With newfound energy, his playful, adventurous side flourished.
As he warmed up to people, his personality came throughKittensOrphansMontreal
The moment his foster mother brought out a wand toy, Kumquat sat on it, determined to catch it. Gone was the scared, hungry cat, replaced by a happy, sweet soul eager for life.
“He loves to be near us, enjoys playing and cuddling, always curious about what we are doing.”
At one year old, Kumquat is still a kitten at heart, with baby-like charm and a constant desire to be adored. “Every night he loves to curl up with us and purrs contentedly all the time.”
He follows his foster mother everywhere and always stays by her side. When she is at the computer, he sits nearby and watches the screen like a little office assistant.
He is a sweet office assistantKittensOrphansMontreal
Kumquat has blossomed into a real lap cat, often hiding herself under a blanket to snuggle with her humans.
The sweet ginger ensures that no door stays closed for long. He insists on keeping his people within sight so he can offer a hug or a purr at any time. “He is very gentle and always seeks attention.”
He cuddles with his human every nightKittensOrphansMontreal
After a few weeks in foster care, Kumquat is full and his eyes are bright and clear. While the temperature outside is below freezing, Kumquat is warm and cozy with its people, often wrapped in a blanket.
“He’s a little cat with a unique little face. He craves affection and thrives on our attention.”
He’s still a kitten at heartKittensOrphansMontreal
Thanks to the rescuer and volunteers, Kumquat escaped the harsh cold of the streets and now enjoys the warmth and affection of his people.
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