Our pets sometimes show seriousness and professionalism, especially when it comes to them “reading” and “studying”. As these pictures prove.
Dogs and cats are inveterate players and are heavy sleepers. But to our great surprise, they sometimes show great seriousness. Their owners then surprise them totally focused on their notes and their computer screen. Which does not fail to amuse us.
Here are 12 pictures of cats and dogs capable of being serious and diligent.
1. This dog takes private lessons because he doesn’t follow class very well.
2. This cat’s technique for learning its lessons is to lie on it to suck it up
3. The new chapter is so complicated that the dog decided to take the pages of the book as far from home as possible.
4. A dog that teaches itself after graduating with flying colors
5. This cat wants to study on a Sunday morning as long as we read the course to him
6. This course of study at the library is going well
7. This dog has no time to answer his owner’s question about what he would like for lunch.
8. This dog is waiting his turn so he can get on the computer and sign up.
9. The smell of the marker is a little too strong for him to concentrate
10. A dog who had a long night of revision
11. A cat reading that it would be better not to disturb
12. You must know your scores well before the concert
By Alexander God
Chief editor
Educated Masters in Writing, Alexandre has been a dog lover since a very young age. Having grown up with many dogs, this adorer of Beaucerons reveals to you every day the news that will move you and inform you about our favorite companions.