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HomeKitchen6 foods you should never put in the fridge

6 foods you should never put in the fridge

Some leave their taste, others their freshness or even their nutritional benefits.

In the fridge, the banana turns black

Below 12.5°C, the cold creates stress which modifies the permeability of the cell membranes of this fruit and stimulates the oxidation of the phenols contained in its skin. Result: the banana turns from yellow to black in a few days – even a few hours – both outside and inside, except for the pulp, which is relatively untouched by this phenomenon. It is therefore kept at room temperature, like all exotic species (mango, pineapple, etc.), adepts in tropical climates.

Why shouldn’t avocados be put in the fridge?

The avocado no longer ripens. The slightest passage in the fridge definitely stops its maturation. The fruit then never becomes tender and tasty, but rather oxidized and browned. Same if it was already ripe, it tends to lose its beautiful green color and texture. To allow it to flourish, it is found in a dark place, the temperature of which is between 18 and 20 ° C, such as a pantry, a closed kitchen cupboard or, if necessary, an opaque paper bag.

Why shouldn’t potatoes be refrigerated?

When the thermostat drops below 7°C, part of its starch is converted into sugars at higher glycemic index. Translation: the tuber’s ability to elevate blood sugar levels and stimulate insulin secretion skyrockets. And since cooking doesn’t reverse the process, you feel full for less time after consuming it. The ideal: store them in a paper bag, a net or a plastic bag with holes, between 10 and 14°C, away from light.

In the refrigerator, onion and garlic rot

Protected from light, they can theoretically be kept for several months. But the darkness of the fridge is not the right choice, because the cold oxidizes and alters the outer envelope of these alliums, and the humidity of the vegetable drawer boosts the proliferation of fungi and causes them to rot. It is therefore better to keep them dry, in a closed cupboard, without packaging, and in the fridge only if they are already peeled.

How to properly store eggs?

In the cold, the egg becomes porous. If it is still sold outside the fresh counter, it is because its shell is covered with an invisible protective cuticle. However, this does not support condensation and risks being destroyed at the slightest sudden change in temperature (such as leaving a fridge), thus allowing the passage of germs from the outside to the food. Eggs are therefore preferably stored in a cool (about 14°C) and dry place.

The dry bread

No need to hope to keep it soft longer by exposing it to the cold. The latter causes the starch in the bread to recrystallize and gives the impression of eating a stale product. On the contrary, it must be protected from the air, in a paper or a suitable box. Is it already cool? Putting it in the oven or grilling it reverses the process, decrystallizes the starch and makes it very good again.

Other foods that should not be put in the fridge

  • Summer fruits. Melons, strawberries, peaches, apricots… quickly lose the volatile compounds at the origin of their flavor once placed in the fridge. They are bought ripe and preferably eaten quickly.
  • The tomato. In the fridge, it does not rot but loses its taste. As a bonus, its flesh becomes transparent if left too long in the vegetable drawer (over a week).
  • Coffee. Ground, it absorbs moisture and absorbs the smells of other foods. Too bad, especially if it’s a great vintage! Olive oil. Placed in a cool place, it can harden and become cloudy, without this altering its nutritional qualities. Conversely, linseed oil, which is particularly vulnerable, must be placed in the fridge.

Thanks to Catherine Renard, deputy head of the Transform department at Inrae (food engineering sciences).



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