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HomeCats8 years later, a family finds their cat, which had disappeared after...

8 years later, a family finds their cat, which had disappeared after moving

Lisa Grove couldn’t believe it when a vet called her. 8 years after his disappearance, his cat had finally been found.

The family of Lisa Grove living in New Zealand. In 2014, they moved about 10 miles from their hometown. Unfortunately their cat Pee, who was used to going outside, did not appreciate the change of location. After spending two days in his new home, he disappeared and was never seen again for 8 years.

Pipi’s family did everything to find him

Devastated by the disappearance of Pee, his family regretted moving. Then they did everything to find the cat. In particular, they drove between the two cities many times, driving in slow motion and shouting the name of their feline out the window of the vehicle. But none of their efforts paid off.

Illustration of the article: 8 years later, a family finds their cat, which had disappeared after they moved

© Lisa Grove/Facebook

8 years later, Lisa received a miraculous call

Pee was never forgotten and his family always thought of him. But 8 years later, they had no real hope of seeing him again one day. Still while Lisa was at work, she got a call from the vet. He asked him”Have you lost a cat? He was just found today.

This news was so unexpected that the mother of the family could not believe it. She could not work anymore, obsessed with her thoughts. She called the vet to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, then broke the news to her daughter, who was just 6 when the cat escaped.

Illustration of the article: 8 years later, a family finds their cat, which had disappeared after they moved

© Lisa Grove/Facebook

Pipi was found in her hometown

Like family to Lisa imagined it Pee was eventually found in his hometown. According to the vets, the cat was not always a stray, and a family probably took care of him for a period of time. Lisa sorry these people didn’t try to find out if the cat was chipped. She would have been ready to let them take care of her Peebut she wished she could at least have the peace of mind knowing it was safe.

Illustration of the article: 8 years later, a family finds their cat, which had disappeared after they moved

© Lisa Grove/Facebook

Anyway, 8 years later, Lisa and his family found their cat. He recognized them immediately. “He started to meow and snuggled up to our legs“, told Lisa to NZ Herald. Now 12 years old, Pee will live out his last years”like a king”, surrounded by love and two other feline companions.



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