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HomeDogsThe former owner of Paco, dog victim of mistreatment, sentenced by justice

The former owner of Paco, dog victim of mistreatment, sentenced by justice

Yesterday was held the trial of a resident of La Trinité in the Channel, prosecuted for having neglected her dog. The animal was in such bad shape that the veterinarians had to amputate a leg. The defendant was not present in court.

A 42-year-old woman has been convicted of abuse and cruelty to a domestic animal. The victim, a dog by the name of pacohad been taken from him and placed in foster care, reports West France this Wednesday, October 5.

The forties, who lives The Trinity (50), was to appear yesterday before the Criminal Court of Coutancesbut did not show up.

The facts for which she was tried dated back almost a year. In November 2021, the veterinary services observed the worrying state of health of her dog at the defendant’s home. pacoGerman Shepherd / Pyrenean Mountain Dog mix.

The canine was cachectic and covered in sores, some wrapped with construction tape “, details West France. Besides, his muzzle was so tight that it dug into his skin.

Withdrawn from his mistress, paco was taken care of by A Hope for the Voicelessan association based in La Ferte-Mace in neighboring Orne. Everything had been tried to save his badly affected right hind leg, but amputation had proved inevitable. The operation took place at the end of August.

Paco can finally turn the page

Meanwhile, paco had been placed in foster care. Happy within it, he could not however be fixed on his future and continue to live in this home until the end of the trial.

Read also: Actress Dakota Fanning confides in the precious memory she keeps of her late dog

Illustration of the article: The former owner of Paco, dog victim of mistreatment, condemned by justice
A Hope for the Voiceless / Facebook

It is therefore done, since its former owner was found guilty and sentenced to 3 months of suspended imprisonment and the definitive ban on keeping an animal. It will also have to pay the sum of 7,068 euros for damages to the civil parties.

These latter are A Hope for the Voicelesstherefore, as well as the Brigitte Bardot Foundation.




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