Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeLawyer"The fight continues", insists his lawyer - Liberation

“The fight continues”, insists his lawyer – Liberation

“Omar killed me”

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The Omar Raddad Affaircase

Justice rejected Thursday the second request for revision of the Moroccan ex-gardener Omar Raddad, condemned twenty-eight years ago for the murder of Ghislaine Marchal and who wanted a new trial.

“I put the package, I brought a lot of elements. It would be really inconceivable that they reject the request but hey you never know…” estimated Me Sylvie Noachovitch on the eve of a new hearing before the commission of instruction of the court of revision. Twenty-eight years after the conviction of Omar Raddad for the murder of Ghislaine Marchal – of which he always said he was innocent – ​​justice had to once again decide in this case which haunted the 20th century. During the hearing behind closed doors on September 15, the Advocate General half-heartedly agreed to the defense requests: he was in favor of new DNA expertise being carried out on the blood letters from the crime scene but had rejected requests to hear witnesses relating to what is now called “the secret investigation”. So the lawyer wanted to believe it. But this Thursday, the magistrates decided to reject the request for review. They thus showered the hopes of the former Moroccan gardener to obtain a new trial.

“The biggest miscarriage of justice of the 21st century”

At the end of the hearing, the lawyer did not hide her amazement, indicating that she was “outraged”. Contacted by Releaseshe wanted to display a pugnacity “intact” despite this setback, and hammered




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