Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeCatsAt the Assembly, Marine Le Pen supports the idea of ​​a tax...

At the Assembly, Marine Le Pen supports the idea of ​​a tax niche to sterilize cats

Marine Le Pen has never hidden her passion for cats. At the beginning of last September, she was still delighted with a new litter of nine little kittens of the Bengal breed, as reported by Liberation. Several RN executives were then able to enjoy the event, while chats would have become a regular excuse for missing a number of meetings. Marine Le Pen is in her element here. She now even has a professional breeder’s diploma. That is to say if felines occupy an important place in his life. She again had the opportunity to demonstrate this on Friday during discussions relating to the 2023 finance bill.

While the threat of 49.3 hovers, the deputies continue all the same the examination of the numerous amendments tabled on the text. Then comes amendment number 668, tabled by more than fifteen elected Les Républicains. This proposes the creation of a tax niche aimed at covering part of the cost of sterilizing cats. This tax credit would be equal to 50% of the costs incurred to sterilize a male (within the limit of 80 euros) or a female (within the limit of 120 euros).

“A financial burden for municipalities”

“In 2017, the number of stray cats on French streets is estimated at between 11 and 12 million and that on average, 80% of cats entering the pound are euthanized, writes MP Fabrice Brun, first signatory of one of the two amendments. . Cats have become victims of their domestication, the non-sterilization of cats by their owner being the first cause of mistreatment, abandonment and ultimately euthanasia. “Two years ago, the majority deputy Loïc Dombreval, a veterinarian by profession, had already tabled a bill aimed at making the sterilization of stray cats compulsory.

During the meeting, and faced with a rather inattentive ear from Gabriel Attal, who said from the bench of ministers that he was not “sure that there should be a tax shelter for cats”, Marine Le Pen took the floor to defend his turn the proposed device. “The reality is that the sum is quite derisory because a cat is sterilized once in its life (…) It is fundamental in my opinion and I think that we will have to go further in the image of certain neighboring countries which have forced the sterilization of cats, animals in general except in special circumstances, because it is a real subject of suffering, it is a real financial burden for the municipalities which no longer know how to solve the problem. And beyond what you reminded of the 90% of cats that end up euthanized, these are also animals that live on the streets, with illnesses, in the cold and I think we have to vote for this amendment. MPs ultimately voted against.



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