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HomeDogsLocked up on a balcony, in full sun, this dog will attract...

Locked up on a balcony, in full sun, this dog will attract the attention of local residents

The poor dog had been locked up on the balcony of his owner’s apartment, apparently unconcerned about leaving his pet in direct sunlight. Fortunately, municipal agents will come to his aid.

In France, the summer of 2022 was marked by long periods of heat, which began at the start of the season. While reminders are often made to protect our dogs from the dangers of the sun, one of them unfortunately had to face it, as the newspaper reports. West France.

Illustration of the article: Locked up on a balcony, in full sun, this dog will attract the attention of local residents

Illustrative photo

In the village of Précigné, in the Sarthe, municipal officials found that a dog had remained locked on the balcony of its owner’s home, in direct sunlight. They had been alerted by local residents. The poor dog had no shade, nor could he go home since the blinds were down.

That’s not all: the doggie had no bowl of water at his disposal. Heat stroke was imminent…

“It was almost 30 degrees in the shade that day”

The town hall of Precigne says on his page Facebook that the city agents then came to the aid of the poor thirsty dog. They weren’t allowed to enter the inhabitant’s house and take his animal, but they climbed a ladder to reach the balcony, give him a bowl of water, and cool him with a watering can.

Illustration of the article: Locked up on a balcony, in full sun, this dog will attract the attention of local residents

Town hall of Précigné / Facebook

For the mayor of the city, Jean-Francois Zalesnyit was impossible to leave the dog like this “. This is why the municipal police were then contacted, in order to find the owner of the dog. This person incurs a fine of 750 euros for willful mistreatment of his animal. Moreover, according to testimonies, this would not be the first time that the owner locks his animals on his balcony…



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