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HomeDogsVal d'Oise. Found in a deplorable condition, 58 dogs and a...

Val d’Oise. Found in a deplorable condition, 58 dogs and a rabbit rescued

If the animals were not mistreated or beaten, they did suffer from parasite problems. (©Brigade Animale Bénévole)

Dogs who lived on top of each other “in indescribable chaos”, condemn 30 Million Friends Foundation. On Thursday 20 October 2022, several of its members intervened, accompanied by the municipal police and the association Volunteer Animal Brigade (Bab) to rescue 58 dogs and a rabbit stuffed into an unsanitary house in Val-d’Oise.

Noah syndrome

The case starts in July after a worrying report to Bab for a couple who would be the victim of a possible noah syndromea mental disorder that manifests itself in the accumulation of several animals at home without being able to house, feed and care for them properly.

An investigator from Bab is sent to the scene. If the owners refuse to let her in, she sees in a kind of shed several dogs living in miserable conditions.

“It is neither a life for them nor for the animals”

The municipal police are then alerted, an agent goes to the scene together with the association’s investigator. If they are still not allowed in, they see about forty dogs visibly malnourished and wading in their excrement.

Due to discussion, the owners agree to give up their animals, understanding that it is a life neither for them nor for the animals.

The Volunteer Animal Brigade

However, the Bab is not able to take care of so many animals. The volunteers then start looking for associations, “except that finding one in the middle of the summer, not complete, is almost impossible, especially for so many dogs”, continues the Bab.

It was in September that the volunteers finally got a positive response. The 30 Million Friends Foundation agrees to collect all the animals.

Videos: currently on Actu

On October 20, members of the foundation and Bab will come to the house. The discovery of the place shocks them. “As soon as we got in, our team set their sights on a real landfill instead of the garden. Radiators sat next to the bodies of three cars under rubble. The place was a veritable playground for rats and dogs,” says the Foundation.

Inside, dozens of dogs were found in a sorry state, moving as best they could among feces and urine-soaked newspapers. A rabbit is found locked in the toilet while dirty cages hang over the bed. The smell there was hard to bear.

30 Million Friends Foundation

The rescue operation will last six hours. The animals have all been transferred by their owners to 30 Million Friends Foundation.

Inside, dozens of dogs were found in a deplorable condition, moving as best they could amid excrement and urine-soaked newspapers.(©Brigade Animale Bénévole)

Although the latter were not abused or beaten, they still suffered from parasite problems. “Some have problems with their gums, holes in their hair. One of the dogs could not see anything. Another had a broken jaw…”, continues the foundation.

Social services are contacted for landlords

The dogs were taken to one of their shelters in Saint-Hilliers (Seine-et-Marne) and they had to be cared for, sterilized and treated. Work was also planned with the most timid before they are put up for adoption.

As for the owners, if the foundation reserves the right to file a complaint against them, it does not intend to overwhelm them, stressing that it is “an animal but also a human drama”, the foundation notes, who prefer that the name of the municipality is not communicated. “We contacted the social services, so that the people who kept the animals were also taken care of,” concludes the Foundation.

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