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Lot-et-Garonne: chased by dogs, a wild boar suddenly tumbles into his garden, an angry owner

the essential
This Saturday, October 29, a wild boar, pursued by dogs, burst into the garden of a house in Fals. He jumped over a barrier before turning and fleeing through the garden to another house.

Sylvie is comfortably installed on the terrace of her house, in Fals, near Layrac, this Saturday, October 29, in the morning. She lives on the vineyard road, an axis that connects the town of Fals with the town of Caudecoste. A residential area with several houses.

She takes advantage of the pleasant weather to take a short break. Not in a clear calm, she hears “as often at the weekend shots”. Around 11.15am, she suddenly sees a wild boar “tumbling into her garden and crossing the vegetable patch”. A scene that is accompanied by the barking of dogs. “The animal was upset, it was clear to see”, explains the Fals resident. The boar “jumped a barrier” to enter the private garden.

Wrath of the owner

For Sylvie, there is no doubt that “the boar was chased by hunters during a hunt”. She continues: “you can see it from the animal’s attitude. In addition, we could hear the dogs barking very little”. The owner of the premises “had the fear of his life”. “If I was in the kitchen garden, which is not even 50m from my terrace, he would run into me,” she adds.

After crossing the garden, the boar found himself “blocked by a hut”. “He turned around, he left the garden and crossed the neighbour’s garden to escape,” she adds.

She is furious: “How can we hunt wild boar, even during a hunt so close to houses. It is not normal and it puts us in danger”. She continues: “I go hiking, I avoid walking around during the hunting season, precisely because we don’t know what might happen”. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Only the kitchen garden bears some marks of the hunted boar’s walk.

Hitting allowed

During the opening period, wild boar slaughter can be practiced without special conditions every day. They do not have to declare the organization of these drives reserved for members of their association. The managers of the hunting associations must, however, disclose the number of animals taken at the end of the season.

For the municipalities of Blanquefort-sur-Briolance, Cuzorn, Gavaudun, Lacapelle-Biron, Montagnac-sur-Lède, Paulhiac, Salles, Saint-Front-sur-Lémance and Sauveterre-la-Lémance, the runs can only be organized “d. Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays”. Information written in black and white in the rules of the Lot-et-Garonne hunting association.

There are also administrative hunts validated by the prefecture of Lot-et-Garonne. They are supervised by wolf-hunting lieutenants. During this period of open hunting, administrative hunts are very rare. They make it possible to provide a quick response to a problem caused by big game.



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