Very common for months, a scam offering to renew a supposedly expired vital card still affects many French people.
Crooks never stop flooding phones with trick SMS to better steal personal data. Training account, Netflix subscription, Crit’air vignette… since the start of the school year, scams have multiplied. In recent days, a massive fraud attempt has involved the Vitale card issued by Sygesikringen. The SMS messages received are misleading: correctly spelled, with Ameli in the header, they announce that the Vitale card has expired or that a new card is available.
To restore it, of course, you need to go to a site that has nothing to do with the real health insurance site. On the other end, the crooks try to recover your personal data (name, address, etc.), even your bank details.
You should of course never click on the link in the SMS. Especially since the latter is sent via a mobile number starting with 06 or 07; further proof that health insurance has nothing to do with this story.
Also, be careful not to reveal the information on the Vitale card, starting with your social security number. The latter actually integrates information about your gender, your birth ward or even your year of birth. And if the pirate gets your Ameli password, he can try to go through the France Connect service to access a wide range of websites, such as the tax site.