Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeCatsThe French are mostly in favor of a law that allows you...

The French are mostly in favor of a law that allows you to be buried with your dog or cat

Although it is possible to be buried with your pet in Germany, the UK and Switzerland, this practice is strictly prohibited in France.

A silly idea… which nevertheless arouses support. More than two out of three French respondents (68%) say they favor the implementation of a law allowing them to be buried with their pets, reveals an Ifop survey for the specialist platform Woopet, which was carried out at the end of October. This proportion rises to 79% among those who own at least one animal.

In detail, more than 2 respondents out of 10 (23%) are “very favorable“, 45%”quite favorable“, 20%”quite unfavorable“and 12%”very unfavorable“. Men (66%) and women (69%) also approve of this initiative, which is, however, more recognized among the 18-34-year-olds (80%) than among those over 65 (52%).

The wealthy classes and right-wing voters are reluctant to such a law

It is also the working class who are most in favor of it: 75% of those who receive less than 1,300 euros a month want a law on this, against 59% of those surveyed who earn more than 2,500 euros a month. Additionally, right-wing voters are mostly reluctant, with only 47% approving when 73% of left-wing voters support it.

However, the French who would take the leap are still in the minority: 45% of pet owners say they are ready to be buried with their cat and their dog.

While it is possible to be buried with your animal in Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland, the practice is strictly prohibited in France. A bill to allow it was registered in the National Assembly on 8 February 2022.

The Ifop survey was conducted among 2,005 people between 18 and 20 October 2022.




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