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HomeLoansForecast. Snow removal in Haute-Savoie: the services are ready

Forecast. Snow removal in Haute-Savoie: the services are ready

One hundred and fifty-four trucks and snowplows spread over 55 support points and 450 agents mobilized, 7 days a week, sometimes from 03.00 to 21.00. The figures for the department’s snow removal system are impressive.

Since November 15 until March 15, the 3,000 kilometers of roads managed by the county council, which lie between 250 and 1,800 meters above sea level, have been put under close surveillance to be able to cope with all weather conditions. Objective: “Monitoring the sensitive points of the network, observing the formation of frost or black ice and initiating salting and snow removal. »

The 2022-2023 version of this precision organization, which is being prepared from the summer with the purchase and maintenance of equipment, was presented to Semnoz by the president of the department Martial Saddier and his vice-president in charge of roads, Lionel Tardy .

even less salt

Again this year, 141 snow removal circuits will be in operation, with 100 managed directly by the department, 37 by external service providers and four by other local authorities. The department will also continue its policy of reducing the amount of salt used to help thaw roads. Last year, 18,000 tons of salt were used, which was 43,000 in 2009.

From now on, it is accepted that not all roads are back to “black”, and this trend will be further supported by the commitment to snow tires or chains throughout the department.



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