Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeInsuranceSuravenir offers a new individual pension contract

Suravenir offers a new individual pension contract

Suravenir makes a new individual pension contract available to the market. Distributed by the group’s banking network – Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne and Crédit Mutuel du Sud-Ouest – the policy stands out for its coverage of critical illnesses. In other words, it provides financial protection to the insured in the event that one of the five serious diseases covered by the contract occurs, namely stroke, cancer, myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.

The basic coverage includes financial assistance in the event of death or total and irreversible loss of autonomy. In this case, the insured will be paid a guarantee capital that can vary from 20,000 to one million euros. However, in addition to traditional guarantees, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa’s subsidiary offers a “optimalwhich completes the front of the first. The insured will thus be covered in the event of a stroke or a diagnosis confirming the presence of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or a myocardial infarction. He will then receive additional capital equal to 30% of the guaranteed capital paid in under the first part of the contract.

We have built this new contract, firmly rooted in its time, which adapts to our world, to the evolution of the family and to the need to quickly benefit from capital. We thus deliver a real service that makes sense for the customers of the distribution networks.“, adds François-Régis Bernicot, general manager of Suravenir. Medical formalities are simplified and contract membership is fully digitized to save time. As a result, the health questionnaire is completed online and the signature is electronic. Guarantee”dreaded diseases» is guaranteed to be triggered as soon as the diagnosis is made and guarantees the insured payment of the additional capital without waiting for the stabilization of his state of health and without proof of use. Finally, the insured will benefit from advantageous taxation, as the capital paid in under the guarantee is exempt from inheritance tax (within the applicable tax limits).




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