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Auto: young drivers, 2 effective ways to lower the cost of your insurance

A real breakout. According to the comparison company Assurland, first-timers – aged 18 to 25 and with less than three years’ driving license – experienced an 18% increase in the price of their car insurance over a year. Six times more than the average driver. “It is only the fair reflection of the loss experience of this customer segment”, summarizes Olivier Moustacakis, co-founder of the comparison company Assurland. In other words, young drivers’ lack of experience and their often more risky driving are factors that favor accidents.

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Let’s clarify from the beginning that behind the term “young driver” there are several realities. This includes both people who passed their driving license several years ago, but who have not been insured for more than 3 years, and drivers who have lost all their points and are therefore required to retake the test. However, most newcomers are young adults.

Add the salt, but limited

The numbers are irrevocable. The segment of drivers ranging from 18 to 25 years represents almost a quarter of accidents and 17% of traffic fatalities in 2021, reminds the broker, reassure me. In general, drivers who have had their license for less than 3 years show a loss experience three times higher than average.

Results: These newbies pay an average of 50% higher rates to cover their vehicle, according to Christophe Bescond, marketing manager at broker AcommeAssur. A figure confirmed by the Réassurez-Moi study. A driver with less than 3 years’ experience must pay 63 euros per month, compared to 41 euros for an experienced driver. For 18-year-old drivers alone, the bill is high to say the least: 75 euros per month!


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However, safeguards are in place to avoid prohibitive tariffs. The insurance code limits the premium to 100% the first year compared to the base rate, 50% the second and 25% the third. Fortunately, there are two effective solutions approved by insurance professionals, which you can see in the simulations below.

The first consists of doing work upstream of the driving license by choosing accompanied driving. The insurance companies are aware of this. The proof: they often add this question when they sign the contract. “You should know that statistically, a young driver who has practiced accompanied driving is 5 times less likely to have an accident,” emphasizes Réassurez-moi. The experience gained during this learning period is proven and insurance companies take it into account when calculating their price-to-risk ratio.” Result: A young driver who has opted for accompanied driving will see his premium halved: 50% the first year, 25% the second and 12.5% ​​the third.


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The results of our simulations speak for themselves. An 18-year-old driver living in Ardèche (the only department in France without a train station) driving a 2014 Peugeot 208 will see the cost of his third party insurance reduced by 24% if he dedicates two years to it accompanied driving. And this, regardless of whether it is with a mutual insurance company like GMF or a direct insurance company like L’Olivier.

From 43% to 66% off

Another factor eases the pain: registration as a secondary driver. Being registered on the parents’ gray card already gives you the opportunity to obtain a reduction in contributions during the current contract. But it is above all after that the benefits can be drawn: “This gives you the opportunity to create a history with the insurance company, confirms Christophe Bescond. This is clearly the best way to not bear the full burden of the “novice” rate and to accumulate bonuses if no claim is generated.” And that’s putting it mildly. After two years of registration as a secondary driver, the bonus increases from 1 to 0.90 and the additional premium from 100% to 25%.The signing of a new contract will therefore require a budget between 43% and 66% lower than that of a young profile who took out his insurance immediately after his license.

Thus, three years of registration on the parent contract combined with accompanied driving allows the future contract to be accompanied by premiums identical to those of a confirmed driver, without additional premium.


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A priori ideal, however, this solution is accompanied by a significant risk for the main driver(s) of the contract: the remaining part to be paid in the event of a claim can increase drastically. “The insurance company can ensure that, in addition to the normal deductible, an additional “young driver” is imposed, which can exceed 1,000 or even 1,500 euros. There is therefore a saving in the subscription, but a net additional cost in case of damage caused by the novice”, warns Christophe Bescond.

Above all, do not choose this option if you are truly a secondary driver. In case of damage, the insurance company can easily prove that you use this vehicle daily between your home and your place of study or work, e.g. This will make you a main driver if the use of the vehicle is frequent. However, a false statement voids the contract and does not allow you to be compensated in the event of a liability claim. You must pay the costs out of your own pocket.

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At the same time, be aware that other avenues may give you the opportunity to lower your premiums. A well-known one is to sign a contract with the same organization as your parents. Insurance companies accept discounts if a family concentrates its coverage (home, car) in the same brand. This allows young people to obtain favorable rates by being “sponsored” by their parents.

Also remember that unless you own a new car, third party insurance will be sufficient for your vehicle, especially if you are a young driver. The car model is also important. The price of the insurance varies according to the model and the power of the vehicle. To pay less, choose small displacements and, if possible, more highly rated ones. A vehicle disappears from the argument after approximately 10 years.


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For the more adventurous, specific insurance products can also allow you to lighten your insurance budget. Youdrive (Direct Assurance), Flitters, Wilov or Maif allow you to be billed by day or kilometer. Something to delight little riders, even the youngest. Historical insurance companies have chosen small rider packages. If you are sure to travel less than 5,000 kilometers per year, these offers allow you to generate between 7 and 26% savings compared to a conventional contract.



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