Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeDogsat the Bergerac SPA, more than 200 animals are waiting for a...

at the Bergerac SPA, more than 200 animals are waiting for a family

“In June, sometimes, we recovered up to 10 animals a day”

“For cats, you can push the walls, but not for dogs”. The latter are housed a little further, in three buildings which house boxes, single or double, 90 places in theory. “But some dogs are not sociable and therefore have to be alone in double boxes. This further reduces the reception capacity, ”regrets Mélanie.

In the SPA office, the dog distribution table is full.

In the SPA office, the dog distribution table is full.

Hugo Ruaud

The animal is kept at the shelter until someone wants to adopt it. Here, the oldest dog is Mali, 5 years old, a Drahthaar crossbred who has been taken in for abuse since May 2021. Alone in his box, with a shy look and a frightened air, he is one of the only silent dogs in the building, while the others bark at the passing visitors.

The heat, one more challenge

It’s 10:30 a.m. and the sun is already beating down. Added to the daily “race” is the stress of the scorching weather. In the twin building located next door, Christopher is busy cleaning the cages. Doggie walks are shortened, confined as much as possible to shady areas. Water rushes into the bowls and tiny plastic pools dot the park. “Some dogs like to take a dip to cool off,” says Melanie.

In the afternoon, a few visitors braved the heat to come and see the animals. Like this couple, happy owners of Goliath for two years. Now 4 years old, this dog had also gone through the Bergerac SPA. In search of a second animal “to enlarge the family and occupy the first” when they are not there, they fell in love with Pipa, a young Beauceronne. Arrived at the beginning of July, seized for mistreatment, the dog will not have stayed long at the shelter.

To acquaint Goliath with the newcomer Pipa, his owners took him to get acquainted.

To acquaint Goliath with the newcomer Pipa, his owners took him to get acquainted.

Hugo Ruaud

“She was lucky, she left quickly,” says Mélanie, enthusiastic, before putting things into perspective:



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