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HomeLawyera collective denounces the threats against the lawyer of Imam Iquioussen

a collective denounces the threats against the lawyer of Imam Iquioussen

AA / Paris / Fatih Karakaya

In a column published on September 9 in the Liberal newspaper by a collective,

Several lawyers and magistrates denounced the death and rape threats against Lucie Simon, lawyer for Imam Hassan Iquioussen, in a column published on September 9 in the Liberal newspaper.

In this forum, justice professionals report insults and threats against this lawyer and believe that “justice cannot be done on Twitter”.

“Dirty p * to bougnoule, if we see you again in court to defend it we rape you (…)”.

It is with these words that the forum of the collective begins, which transcribes one of the messages received by lawyer Lucie Simon. Considering this as “an odious surge of hatred, insults, threats of rape and death for having been wrong to ensure, brilliantly, the defense of the interests of Mr. Hassan Iquioussen”, the collective signatory of the tribune regrets such “hate, vulgar and cowardly, thrown in the face of a lawyer who has simply done her job”.

Considering “that we caricature, that we insult, that we dirty the profession of lawyer”, the lawyers and magistrates do not take back that we “reproach a lawyer for defending a man, whatever he has done” and believe that “it is to refuse him any nuance, any distance, with the one he defends”.

“We will find you and you will be judged by the people’s court”, we can still read in another message from another Internet user.

“To defend is to contradict, to oppose, to assist, to support, to support a man whom vindictiveness accuses, drooling at the lips, of all evils. To judge is to decide, in complete independence and in the privacy of one’s conscience, in the light of a law that makes up society, whether or not a man deserves to be condemned, sanctioned, expelled. To defend, to judge, is to work, each on his own scale and in respect of his prerogatives, for the functioning of a common justice”, write the members of the collective again.

• Justice must remain free

“Threatening a lawyer, threatening a magistrate, is above all threatening the rule of law, it is basically saying that justice does not exist or more exactly that we can do without it”, observe the lawyers and the magistrates and who underline that these attitudes also consist in considering “justice as an obstacle between the one whom one accuses and the public punishment that after all he deserves”.

Aware that Lucie Simon is not the first to have threats, however, the collective is surprised “by this hatred, often silent, of which she has made herself heard here because the way has been opened to her”.

Recalling that “justice cannot be rendered on Twitter, just as it cannot be instrumentalized by ministers who want it to serve their political ambitions, or as a relay for the signals they want to emit”, the collective believes that justice “must remain free, independent and preserved from a cynical, crude, outrageous media game”.

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