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A drowned person in the Loire, an inconvenient restaurant, water that is indeed drinkable… The recap of the weekend in the Loiret

If you spent the weekend in the sun, away from screens and larep.fr, we don’t blame you! We recap the information you may have missed.


Alas, the weekend was deadly since a man lost his life in the Loire, Saturday evening, in Saint-Jean-le-Blanc. He was only 35 years old, he drowned and could not be revived by the emergency services.

Remember, swimming in the river, which is very dangerous, is prohibited.

Warning from Loiret firefighters against swimming in the Loire, a beautiful river that remains dangerous

Live my life as a firefighter

Our journalist Alban Gourgousse spent 12 hours with the firefighters at the Pithiviers barracks. An immersion in this hectic daily life, between jokes, interventions, mutual aid…

At the Orbellière college, in Olivet, several management positions are not filled: “We are very worried”, alert the staff

Yes, the water is drinkable

Information is currently circulating in the town of La Chapelle Saint-Mesmin which evokes “water pollution”. Orléans Métropole reacts to reassure the inhabitants and deny this rumor.

At the end of the school year, what happens to the clothes “forgotten” by the pupils in the schools of Orléans?

Salty note for the canteen

Parents of students are worried. Meal suppliers are asking municipalities for increases of 5 to 10%: some are introducing measures to absorb this increase, others will have to resolve to raise prices… The Rep’ takes stock in the Loiret.

Disruptions on line A of the tramway from July 4 to August 27 in Orléans and Fleury-les-Aubrais

An awkward restaurant…

Residents of the restaurant “Au Plein air”, located in a pavilion in the middle of a residential area of ​​Fleury-les-Aubrais, have been denouncing permanent nuisances for years. But the establishment, although hit by an administrative closure measure, continues to open…

The Merchandise Route plans to sail from Orléans to Paris to promote local products


Basketball. The spectacle and the intensity were on the agenda of the Open Plus 3×3 basketball which made the heart of downtown Orléans beat loudly this Saturday, July 2.

Soccer. A few days before their departure for England, the French have outclassed very weak Vietnamese at the stadium of La Source, this Friday, July 1st.

Relive in photos the nocturnal carnival of Jargeau

Marie Guibal




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