Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeCatsA Marseillaise finds his cat eight years after losing it

A Marseillaise finds his cat eight years after losing it

Finding your pet eight years after losing it is almost a miracle. However, this is what happened to Valérie, on the side of Marseille. A few days before Christmas, her cat, which disappeared in 2014, reappeared. Explanations.

Photo: Shutterstock

The cat in question is called Fuschia. By then it had disappeared without any explanation. However, Valérie is thinking of a theft. Immediately after his disappearance, everything was done to find the trace of the animal. Posters were put up all over the city. Without results…

To France bluerecalls Valerie:

“I think the people of Endoume remember! I had put it on all the waste containers in the neighborhood, on all the poles, in the shops. I even created a Facebook page.

The days passed, the weeks, months and years too. But still not the slightest trace of Fuschia. Until the end of 2022. What triggered the reunion? The transition of the animal in the hands of a vigilant veterinarian.

“The people who had her hadn’t taken her to the vet for eight and a half years, which is still quite special, we must say. She suffered from cystitis. As a very skilled professional, the vet scanned the cat’s microchip and saw that it had been declared lost or stolen.

Back in her real home, Fuschia has clearly enjoyed her homecoming.

“She wasn’t scared, she’s happy. I followed the advice of my vet and an animal behavior expert I know: I isolated Fuschia for two days in a room all alone in the house and I slept with her. She was completely separated from the others cats we have.”

After this long absence and this unexpected reunion, Valérie takes advantage of her story and her interview at France blue to convey an important message: When you find an animal, you must definitely try to have it identified by a veterinarian and thus give it a chance to find its home.

“We are very angry with the people who took Fuschia because there is a national case for pets called I-cad: Cats and dogs are microchipped, all you had to do was go to a vet to have it scanned , or at SPA.”

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