Thursday, March 13, 2025
HomeDogsAbused young foster dog with multiple health issues fights for life

Abused young foster dog with multiple health issues fights for life

Kitty is not yet 2 years old, but has already suffered excessive human misery and malevolence. Despite this, the little dog shows resilience and affection. There is still a long way to go, but his condition has already improved considerably thanks to the association’s volunteers who came to his aid.

Kitty was abandoned on June 7 by its owner at the shelter dedicated to the well-being of canines Arundawn Dog Rescue in the sussex in England. The poor little girl was in a terrible state.

Due to her master’s negligence, she developed severe glaucoma (degenerative disease of the optic nerve) which left her blind in her right eye. Also, his coat was very matted and infested with fleas.

Emergency care at the veterinary clinic

The officers of Arundawn Dog Rescue do not get used to this kind of case. “Another abandoned dog with medical issues and in an appalling state of neglect”lamented a spokesperson at the Mirror.

He added that despite the suffering, Kitty is full of tenderness and wishes to be loved.

His coat has been brushed and freed of external parasites. She was also dewormed and sterilized.

Otherwise, Kitty was operated on Monday, June 13 of his eye. The only option was to take it away from her so she wouldn’t suffer anymore. The volunteers added on a Facebook post: “After removing her eyeball which was extremely painful, she is already a different female dog! Much happier and bolder. She ate well and now has a constantly wagging tail.”.

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The story of Kitty turned the canvas upside down. Many people in the community bear witness to their pain and support the survivor. More than 1,400 post shares may help find furry adopters for Kitty.

The shelter reports that as soon as she recovers from her surgery and has gained more confidence, she will be able to join a caring home. In any case, he will need a calm environment, devoid of congeners and young children. Above all, Kitty has a strong need for love and affection, which she will know how to repay a thousand times.

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