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HomeCatsAlès: after the cats, Anne-Lyse Messager is positioned as a standard bearer...

Alès: after the cats, Anne-Lyse Messager is positioned as a standard bearer in the defense of pigeons

This Alésienne from the city center has launched a petition calling for the establishment of contraceptive swallow shots.

This resident in the heart of the city of Alès had been talked about at the beginning of the year 2021 by mobilizing in defense of stray cats. After a petition launched on Mesoopinion’s website, which at the time had collected around 43,000 signatures, and an interview at the town hall, Anne-Lyse Messager, 65, is delighted that her action has borne fruit today. “I’m happy. The situation has improved compared to what we saw before.”she says. “From now on, together with the town centre’s citizens’ council, we will ask if it is possible not to remove the niches that we are furnishing.” But this well-known animal defender in Alès has another hobby horse: pigeons. “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time”smiles this pensioner.

More than 56,000 signatures have been registered

As well as what she has undertaken for felines, she has posted another petition on Mesoopinions, entitled “Stop the massacre of pigeons”. It was a year ago, and after a break for personal reasons, Anne-Lyse Messager relaunched it a few weeks ago by writing a few comments. Result: more than 56,200 signatures are counted. She then returns to the sources of her initiative: “Many people are shocked by the way they are caught in the web. I was shocked myself, as well as a resident of Clavieres.” Above all, she worries about what happens to the birds after they are captured and doubts that they will survive. “I want people to know the truth”she says before making her request. “Let’s test the swallow passages for contraceptives! It avoids killing the pigeons that they go to beg for food, and it keeps the streets clean.” And to recognize, nevertheless, that such a unit “costs money and time”but “it’s more human”. She also admits that results would not be expected overnight…

“Intelligence” and “cleanliness” of pigeons

In the aftermath, this sexagenarian becomes the pigeons’ spokesman and praises them “intelligence”just like theirs “purity”. She insists: “This animal is not the pet we imagine. I want people to know it a little more. You know, some people also want to see birds in the city.” The problem with starlings then comes on the table. And Anne-Lyse Messager also likes them: “I think it’s beautiful to watch them twirl around in the air. Yes, they damn… but just like everyone else.”

This Alésienne is happy with the success of her petition in favor of the defense of pigeons. But she notes that there are others in several cities, and she campaigns for everyone to come together. Keeping this in mind, it launched appeals to petitioners. None left, for now.



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