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HomeUnited StateASOIF and WOF threaten the US

ASOIF and WOF threaten the US

— Published on July 15, 2024


The conflict between the United States and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) continues to rock the Olympic world. After the IOC last week, two other components of the movement publicly expressed their position: the Associations of International Summer Olympic Sports Federations (ASOIF) and Winter (WOF, formerly AIOWF). Both authorities support the AMA. They do not hide their distrust of the United States and the federal investigation opened by the House of Representatives after the doping contamination case in Chinese swimming. In a press release, ASOIF said “ deeply concerned that the leaders of one of its international member associations have been subpoenaed to testify in a federal investigation in the United States. » His statement follows World Aquatics’ announcement that its CEO, Brent Nowicki, will be subpoenaed before a US House committee. ASOIF believes that the investigation led by the US ” raises doubts about the personal safety of athletes, sports officials and representatives of international sports organizations, as well as the confidence with which they can travel to the United States to participate in competitions. The study may prompt international federations to consider the risks of hosting future international events in the United States. » Same story, with a few caveats, on the WOF site. Its secretary-general, Briton Colin Grahamslaw, wrote in a long press release that ” individual national approaches jeopardize the solidarity of the global anti-doping system. We hope that public authorities who have always supported WADA will continue to do so and recognize WADA’s position as a global leader in the fight against doping in sport. This is a crucial point, especially in light of our respective competitions next winter in the USA.. “The American reaction to these two positions, and especially to the prospect of seeing international federations put the USA on a blacklist, is still awaited.

Tags: Doping



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