Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeDogsattacked while jogging by a Rottweiler

attacked while jogging by a Rottweiler

Sunday in Narbonne, a jogger was scratched on the legs by a Rottweiler who was not attached. The owners have not been found.

The facts occurred on Sunday October 9 in the city center of Narbonne (Aude). A woman had just been jogging along the canal. As she was returning home, she crossed paths with a dog that looked like a Rottweiler. In comments reported by The Independent, this jogger recounts her misadventure: “I was walking up a street perpendicular to the Quai de Lorraine when I came across this animal in the middle of the track. As I saw that he had a collar, I did not worry at first and continued on my way, being convinced that his master was not far away”.

Scratched by a Rottweiler in Narbonne: “I couldn’t get rid of it”

The dog attacked this woman when she came near him: “He scratched my legs and it was impossible for me to get rid of him. I looked around but no one was there. I was very afraid. I screamed and couldn’t get rid of it. I didn’t want to be too virulent for fear of being bitten”.

Around, we didn’t care

Two passers-by on bicycles would not have stopped to come and help the jogger, who adds that another person ended up intervening: “Finally a lady came in claiming it was the neighbours’ dog. She grabs him by the collar. I tell him that I had the fear of my life. She answers me: “oh no but he is nice”, then looks at my legs and tells me that it will be fine. I am dismayed and I run back to my house”.

Dogs not tied in the city center: 38 euros fine

Afterwards, the victim believes that she would have “from […] follow [la dame] to find the owners of the dog wandering in the middle of the street. It’s not a cat! I was so scared that the only thing I thought about was going home”. On Sunday, the director of the municipal police Steve Gonzalez indicates that if the problem is not common, “It remains that a municipal decree obliges dog owners to attach them on a leash in the city center. Offenders are liable to a fine of 38 euros”.



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