Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeDogsCognac: from animal care to hair with zookeepers

Cognac: from animal care to hair with zookeepers

For two years she has been a zookeeper. If Anglicism doesn’t mean anything to you, that’s normal. This profession has emerged recently, but you may hear about it for a while…

For two years she has been a zookeeper. If Anglicism doesn’t mean anything to you, that’s normal. This profession has appeared recently, but you may hear about it for a while. These are people who are paid to keep dogs, cats or NAC. NAC? Yes, the new pets. That means rodents, snakes, lizards, amphibians…

Mathilde offers “pet’zen” home visits and “paw patrol” dog walks in Cognac and the surrounding area. A service aimed at vacationers who have no neighbors to visit their animals, but not only. Some of the girl’s clients are workers who don’t have time to, for example, take their dogs out three times a day.

Animal welfare at the forefront

Tailored services, adapted to the needs of customers, but especially animals. Émilie, the owner of Chamallow et Réglisse, is full of praise for her zookeeper. “It is not easy to leave the keys to your house with someone you do not know. With the way Mathilde approaches things and the way she speaks, we are immediately at ease. »

Mathilde Lang with Chamallow, one of Émilie’s cats, whom she visits twice a day.

Photo FP

Traveled for a few days for the holidays with her husband and children and she called the young woman for the second time. “When we lived in Périgueux, we left our animals in a boarding house for cats. It forced them to leave the house, it was a bit hard for them, especially on the road. It is nicer that they can stay here! »

There is also a reassuring side to having someone come by regularly. “We know that in case of problems we can count on her”, confides Emilie. And adds: “She even feeds the fish, which is not in her contract. And she sends us amazing pictures, videos and news of our cats every day. »

She sends us amazing pictures, videos and news of our cats every day.

Not so strange when you listen to the ex-beautician tell his story. Animals saved her life, literally, when she was at her lowest. At the age of 18, Mathilde lost her father. A few years later, what she calls her “disease”. A severe depression that isolates him from everything, and from almost everyone.

It is thanks to animals, especially horse therapy, that she reconnects with the living. “The love they give without consideration or judgment saved me, to me they are angels on earth”she says.

In 2020, she launched her Cognac box, O Cat’Coussinets, as an independent. A success: in two years, this enthusiast has kept more than 200 animals on the watch.

It must be said that she is not unemployed. Outside of school hours, she keeps an average of five animals a day. A number that has already risen to 22 this summer, with days stretching to “With the walks, I walk an average of 15 km a dayshe says. But it can go up to 20 km! »

With its square, straight character and its “sense of duty”inherited from his military father, this lover of animals who “record like it was mine”quickly won the hearts of its customers.

If for two years she had the exclusivity on the Cognac market, new zookeepers have recently arrived. Émeline Gaillard, 35, has been offering her animal care services since October with “Truffles & papouilles”. This professional nurse still works part-time in the medical field, but wants to long-term “Find the balance to make a living”. “The challenge is to draw attention to yourself, I already have a few clients”, she smiles. Its plus? Dog massage. “It’s muscle relaxation, nothing medicinal. It’s very effective for sporting dogs!”

Flower essences for animals

Recently, Mathilde, who is training to become an animal naturopath, offers a new service called “OCat’Emotion”. In collaboration with Velbecia, it offers expensive floral elixirs based on Bach flowers. “It’s 100% natural. There are 38 flowers in total, each assigned a feeling. It helps them when they need it. The ‘Star of Bethlehem’, for example, makes it possible to heal physical or psychological trauma, such as an emotional shock .”



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