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HomeUnited StateCongress is back in a new configuration

Congress is back in a new configuration

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The US Congress returns on January 3 with a new configuration: Democrats retain the Senate, but Republicans take control of the House of Representatives with a slim majority, but a majority sufficient to undo certain measures passed over the past two years .

With our correspondent in New York, Loubna Anaki

Republicans don’t want to waste time. Well before the start of the school year on Tuesday, documents revealing their program and their priorities circulated in the House of Representatives. From the first two weeks, they will discuss bills related to immigration, crime, energy or evenabortion. A total of eight texts are already ready for debate.

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For example, Republicans want to pass a law that prohibits the use of strategic oil reserves without projects to increase oil production on federal lands. For this year, they have repeatedly criticized President Biden for his use of reserves amid skyrocketing fuel prices.

Mobilize for the 2024 presidential election

They also want to adopt tougher immigration measures to deal with the problem current crisis on the border with Mexico.

Projects that have almost no chance of passing the Senate, still under the control of Democrats. But it reveals the dynamics that are likely to characterize the next two years. Their majority, even a very slim one, in the House of Representatives offers Republicans a megaphone, and they intend to use it to defend their positions and mobilize their constituents to presidential election in 2024.




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